Jehovah's Witnesses--- A Religion About Nothing

by minimus 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • stuckinarut2
  • Heaven

    When one elevates oneself to the position of "God's Chosen", that's when the mediocrity sets in.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    'When one elevates oneself to the position of "God's Chosen", that's when the mediocrity sets in'

    If the GB truly were Christ's brothers, they'd be washing the feet of the r&f, as it were.

    That they're not doing this shows that their attitude is far from Christ-like.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Just be really nice to people and visit them and show interest in their life stories, then they will feel obligated to go along with what you want, which is to give money, and find other people to give money, to the org which claims to represent the Creator of the Universe.

    To me now, that is all it's ever been about. After having been thru the digestive system of the wt and crapped out into the commode of reality, I ALWAYS question and doubt anyone who tries to cultivate my friendship. That is just one effect of this "loving" cult.


  • BluesBrother

    This religion is inconsequential in the sense of the impression it makes on the world. It is small even though it makes a lot of noise and is nothing compared to the major religins of the world, in terms of impact, that is why it is allowed to carry on ...

    To those people adversely affected by it though, it has grave consequenses. That is why we carry on doing our best to show it up for what it is. We are like a support group for those affected by an uncommon disease. Nobody else cares much but those who have been affected themselves..

    Hey..we ought to be a charity !

  • Finkelstein

    A Religion About Nothing

    I tend to disagree its really about power, control and money.

    There in lines the real and true endeavor by these men past and present.

    Its known that when men envision themselves with accumulative power and control they think where can

    they possibly get that, some end up looking to god and placing themselves within that perceived power .

  • Heaven

    Once my parents became baptized, they became 'do nothing' people because they waited on Jehovah to fix everything. Well, Mom is dead now, and my Dad is fading as the dementia continues to break down his brain. Things didn't get 'fixed'.

    And still... Armageddon has not arrived.

    Cookie Monster Waiting

  • SAHS

    “DesirousOfChange”: “All JWs have been told (by HQ) is that they are the fastest growing religion, . . . they the "little one" that will become a thousand, . . . only they evangelize over 1 BILLION hours, . . .”

    Well, actually any supposed “increase” is primarily just the result of the birthrate of born-ins. The WTS is known for its “clever” manipulation of statistics, and they don’t exactly advertise the throngs either slipping out the back door (fading) or parading right out the front door (disassociating). Don’t forget: only 36% of born-ins remain in the cult. (Gee, I wonder why. )

    “Iown Mylife”: “Just be really nice to people and visit them and show interest in their life stories, then they will feel obligated to go along with what you want, which is to give money, and find other people to give money, to the org which claims to represent the Creator of the Universe.”

    In relation to any standard business model, this would be called a “pyramid scheme,” which is understandably an illegal form of exploitation. However, unfortunately, as it is classified as a “religion,” thus enjoying the protection of “ecclesiastical privilege” under the secular laws, including tax-free status, it can effectively get away with what amounts to a global pyramid scheme. And they don’t even have to pay their workers any salary. With that and the power they have to threaten and execute disfellowshippings, I’d say that they have a pretty good thing going. . . . at least while operating in such a tolerant capitalist system – and they milk it for all it’s worth!

  • stuckinarut2

    Hey SAHS, I'm begin doubting you, but where did you get the 36% figure of bornins remaining?

    I would love to use this stat in casual chats with witnesses....

  • sparrowdown

    It may well be a religion about nothing, but they have managed to con eight million people into paying for their ivory tower.

    So humungus is the con that even those who have "woken" up feel the need to live a lie and continue supporting their inflated attendance figures.

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