10 hour basic pioneer provision question

by Letts Party 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • PhilJonesIII

    Hi Tenacious,

    I'm a newbie here myself and disassociated since the late 80s or thereabouts. That is disassociated as in wrote a letter telling them I was out and wanted nothing more to do with them. I had been a full time pioneer ( that was 100 hours a month ) and a Ministerial Servant.

    I'm sure many others will have their own answers so here are mine:

    1. Why does the organization punish those with sincere questions when they are not satisfied with the typical "we don't know but wait on Jehovah."

    To control thinking. That's about it. I once asked a question during a Watchtower study that was in no way contentious and promptly shot down in flames for having the temerity to question an elder. No one spoke to me after the meeting either which might give you some indication of how strong this view is.

    2. Why does the organization feel the need to announce from the platform when someone is pioneering? Prominence?

    No. In fairness it was all about encouraging others to do the same and/or give support. I pioneered in the 70s and supported myself financially by working part-time. There was an open invitation from just about everyone to stop-by for lunch if I happened to be working in the area. Equally an invitation to join me in the work.

    3. Why is information a privilege and not freely available to all members such as being able to sit-in on the CO's special meeting with the pioneers?

    Not sure it was about privileged information. I certainly learned nothing new at those meetings. Pioneering was hard work. It wasn't uncommon to do five-hours straight going from door-to-door alone. Bear in mind that in most cases you don't get much beyond two or three sentences of your introduction which was frustrating and discouraging. The meeting with the CO was about overcoming that discouragement and working on new introductions.

    4. Why has the society not apologized once for mistakes that obviously ruined and killed so many of their members?

    The Society runs on a good business model ( I mean in a bad way ). You cant sue them for accidents when using their products. And, as a magazine article pointed out, they never made a mistake. Going toward the light of god was like a boat tacking against the wind: You go sideways a lot but the general direction is forward. Nonsense of course but an easy-sell when dealing with people who want to believe. Besides, if they ever did apologise then they would never see the end of the lawsuits.

    5. Why does the society fear higher education? Critical thinking and reasoning skills being developed perhaps?

    That's about right. I got married and went on to study electronics. I ended up teaching at university. You could say I got full exposure to 'Satan's dark philosophies' though to this day feel no inclination to dance naked around a rock under a full moon. Ogle some of the girls on campus? Guilty as charged.

    Nothing I learned in electronics contradicted what the Bible says. Ditto, computer studies, statistical analysis or systems analysis. Satan's wily ways must have got his ideas in somehow I guess. I might have made it as a doctor or in chemistry but I was already too old.

    Now the caveat: Some of the brothers were also super people and good supportive friends. I think of them with fondness to this day. My mother tells me that some still ask after me so I don't doubt the love was genuine.

    The 'society' on the other hand might have started out as an 'instrument of god in the execution of his works' but has become a living thing in its own right. It is a business and a business for profit which is what businesses are for.

    Thats my take on things. Hope it helps. Bear in mind that my experience may not be representitive of others, less so my views.

  • blondie

    There was a time that a large chart was posted prominently in the front of the KH.

    Number of publishers

    Number of pioneers

    Congregational number of hours that month/divided by number of publishers

    Hourly Average

    Return Visits


    Other publications

    Bible studies


    Each month there would be a talk on the totals and how to improve them

    Of course, jws from other congregations would see the charts when they visited. Elders competed with each other at congregation level. Most hours, etc., = the stronger spiritual congregation.

    *** km 7/70 p. 3 Announcements ***

    A supply of monthly report cards, magazine distributors’ order blanks and congregation field ministry charts is being sent out to each congregation

  • blondie

    *** km 2/71 p. 3 A Letter from the Pioneers ***

    First of all, before you can enroll as a regular pioneer you must have been baptized for at least six months, and during the past six months you must have been a regular publisher reporting at least ten hours and six back-calls on the average each month. You must currently be conducting at least one home Bible study.

    *** km 2/73 pp. 1-6 Branch Letter ***

    How about congregation publishers? They are increasing in numbers, from 389,555 for the previous year to 401,519 for the first three months of the 1973 service year. That is good to see. But their report of hours is down from 9.9 to 9.6 per month, on the average.

    Some have said: But we have no quotas now.? Though the hour requirements for the various branches of pioneer service have not changed, it is true that congregation publishers have no set goal of, say, ten hours per month. Yet the question might be asked: Is this a valid reason for decreasing the amount of time spent in doing the will of Jehovah God in the field service? Really, in past years we were not going in the field service simply to meet a goal of hours, were we? We were interested in preaching the good news of God's kingdom, to magnify Jehovah's name and to give others the opportunity to hear. And we still are. Now that we do not all have a set goal of hours we are not to conclude that our field ministry is any less important. Our message is urgent. This is something to think about, don't you agree? Jehovah's requirement that our service be whole-souled has not changed.

    *** w71 6/1 p. 335 How to Succeed in the Pioneer Service ***

    It is not easy to jump from a pace of ten hours a month as a congregation publisher to one hundred hours a month on the pioneer track.

    *** w65 9/1 p. 524 What Comes First in Your Life? ***

    Surely the suggested minimum goal for this, twenty minutes a day, two and a half hours a week or ten hours a month, is a reasonable one for a mature Christian. Jehovah's witnesses try to devote at least ten hours a month to their field ministry

  • jookbeard

    PhilJonesIII and Tenacious, welocme , always great to see folks like you here

  • Ajax

    How does one post a new topic on this forum? I see opportunity to reply at the bottom of posts but not to diverge into new topics??

    And of course, my apology for posing this off topic question.

  • millie210
    Hi Ajax,

    If you scroll up to the top of this page, you will see a blue bar with four choices in it.


    click on NEW TOPIC

    nice to meet you!

  • stuckinarut2


    There are quite a few new forum members joining up recently!

    Welcome to all!

  • DesirousOfChange

    I heard from what I consider to be a high profile insider JW elder that the 10 hour pioneer thing is coming.


  • Crazyguy

    This 10 hour thing maybe an attempt to get the national average up and this new title will put pressure on ones to get 10 hours. This indicates to me that the average publisher is very low in hours and this new program will force one to get the full 10 in per months or be disgraced because they will not have this basic title. Its all about Cult control.

  • nibbled

    Has anyone found my pioneer slip? I can't seem to get it submitted properly...

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