Millions now Living Will Never Die

by skin 22 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Heaven

    Yeah... Rutherfraud... the same a-hole that told teenaged kids not to get married and have children because there was so much to do in the 'months' before Armageddon. That was back in the 1930s.

    They still use this tripe that Armageddon is coming so you better get out saving people in lieu of having a life.

    What a crock of shiite!

  • prologos

    whatever Rutherford meant by " The World HAS ended, Millions now living--", Watchtower writers doomed that prophecy to failure when they introduced the stipulation, that only baptized witness and dependents will enter paradise.

    Do we have 2 Million baptized 96+ year old witnesses now?

    will we have 2 Million '15 minutes' 100 year old puplishers in 2018?

    will there be 2 Million 116 year olds in 2034? and a wt paradise?

    Medical research into anti-aging methods better hurry up.

  • Been_There_Done_That

    I bought an original copy of "Millions Now Living Will Never Die" because I had great-grand parents that traveled all over Texas actually camping (living) on the side of the road while they "witnessed" from 1920-1925, and was curious what the message was that would cause them to do this.

    While reading the thick "booklet" Millions Now Living Will Never Die, I thought what a bunch of crap. I don't know how many times Rutherford said, "this is the undeniable truth". When 1925 came and went without incidence, Grand-Mother said to Gran-Paw, "Nothing has happened" they went home to seek assistance from family that was not "in the truth".

    Grand-Mothers comments, "Nothing has happended", is the historical story of the WTBTS leading their followers on a 130 snipe hunt. Nothing has happened. IMHO, The WTBTS doesn't have any credibility left. From the notes of the Branch meeting commented on other threads they are a desperate corporation that must talk about mens socks, suits, and women wearing immodest" tight yoga pants to the gym. I don't know what their true financial condition is and it doesn't matter, although it appears they have cranked up the intensity of begging for money. However, they are bankrupt of any true spiritual direction as they don't know where they have been for the last 130 years, nor do they know where they are, and if "spancks", socks, and tight men's suits designed by homosexuals is all they can talk about, they are absolutely bankrupt spiritually.

  • SnarlingRaven

    I'm pretty sure those millions then living are now forever dead.


    I am pretty sure they all died as well. If I remember it correctly ( it was so convoluted and boring ) Loesch was spinning it, saying that the "millions" referred to people alive NOW.

    I can't remember exactly. He was definitely trying to prove that Rutherfraud was not a false prophet, again. The WTBTS is desperate for their re-branding efforts to work.

  • sowhatnow

    any time i might mention older teachings like this to any jw that i might speak to they automatically say oh those old things were when they did not understand what God was trying to tell us , 'weve' since been 'refined' and have come to understand that those were wrong.

    guess God isnt allowing anyone else to be 'refined' . how does anyone argue that point without laughing.

    and to think yesterday, my own mother who is 72 said that i should ask the c.o. thats visiting next week , one of my questions.

    I felt like shaking her, shes OLDER than the co! she should KNOW the 'answer'!

    i said to her, did you know that jws do not teach that jesus is the mediator for all man? she looked at me funny.

    I said yea, I had no idea myself, but, its in one of the magazines, and a book, it says that he is the mediator only for the 144000, and jesus is our ransomer.

    so it makes us question, Who do i pray through if he isnt my mediator? [and thats what she told me to ask the C.O.]

    which isnt what i get when reading the bible do you?

    and she said ,' well youll have to show me that article.'

    well, had the book i have of hers, her still been at her house where i got it, id have shown her. i can get it to show her then she will say to me thats an old book. hmm the prince of peace book is 'old' now. i remember studying that at the book study.

    but at her age i dont like to argue religion. its pointless. she is going to believe what she wants

    so i dont know why she feels the need to bring up religion every time i see her.

    its like an illness.

  • sowhatnow

    and to think i had an old old book with a blue or red cant recall, cover that was printed in the 1900s by russel, and i tossed it out becasue it was moldy smelling grrr.

  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    Dear Brothers and Sisters,

    We would like to inform you that we have, ad hoc, retroactively changed the meaning of Millions Now Living Will Never Die. When we said "never die" we didn't really mean a physical death but, rather, we meant that sincere ones would be preserved spiritually alive. The preaching work of the last 100 years has been truly momentous and has "saved" millions from destruction. Thus, the words of Rutherford have now been fulfilled, by ever changing definitions, and we can continue to have confidence in our old new light.

    WTBTS spin department,


  • Zoos

    That's great, CODED LOGIC.

    They may add, "Millions now living will never overlap."

  • flipper

    Millions of JW's now living- are already dead

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