why didnt God just do this?

by sowhatnow 39 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    Yes you raise a good point - and especially in light of what Ezekiel 18 teaches. The idea of inherited sin contradicts Ezekiel 18, where the point is made that each one will answer for his own sin and mentions that a son will not have to pay for the sins of his father!

    Here's another important point often missed: When arguing against hellfire, JWs sometimes ask the person: "Do you think it would be fair for God to not warn Adam that he would go to a place of torment when he died, if he ate the fruit? Surely God would have warned him about hell if it existed!"

    Well, similarly, how could it be fair for God not to have warned Adam, before he sinned, that his disobedience would result, not only in his own death, but the death and suffering of countless generations of his offspring! Adam and Eve thought that they would die soon after eating the fruit. They were kept in the dark about the pain and suffering their actions would bring to billions of people, until after they had sinned.

    And here's another point which exposes the dishonesty of Romans 5:18,19: If everyone is automatically condemned to death for Adam's sin, even without having to exercise faith in Adam or do any special works, then shouldn't everyone automatically be justified for life by Jesus' death, even without having to exercise faith in Jesus or do any special works? The undeserved kindness through Jesus is clearly not greater than the condemnation through Adam.

    Here's some other interesting questions:

    Is it a sin to just have sinful desires without acting on them?

    If it is a sin, then how can a perfect being prevent himself from starting a sinful desire when its impossible to prevent a desire from coming into your heart without having to first think about it? How does a perfect angel startto have sinful thoughts, if he's perfect?

    Also if sinful desires are a sin, then how is it that James 1:14,15 indicate that desire gives birth to sin, thus indicating that the desire itself cannot be a sin?

    If it is not a sin, then doesn't that contradict what Jesus said at Matthew 5:28 and Mark 7:21-23?

    On a lighter side: How could Jesus provide a corresponding Ransom when he wasn't fully equivalent to Adam? Jesus had some skin removed from down there, which technically makes him less the man than Adam was and therefore not a perfectly corresponding ransom.

  • rocketman

    I like your account better, redvip2000.

    The bible is often called the greatest story ever told; but it's probably the dumbest story ever told.

  • Simon

    It's a story invented to support the 'facts' of mankinds existence based on what they knew at the time - pretty much nothing.

    Hardly surprising that the story doesn't make sense. It's actually a bad story even without any science, full of plot holes.

  • prologos

    Are you people not afraid to second guess Moses, the supposed writer of this story? are you not afraid he will call fire down on you or have the earth swallow you up? or your schtick will sprout blossoms?


    The Adam & Eve story is a myth created by primitive people to explain the existence of humans. Just like the Noah's Flood story helped explain how disobedient people are punished by 'God.,. It's all mythology. Who exactly was present at these events taking notes on what was said word for word?? Makes no sense at all.

  • suavojr

    People seem to forget they had a tree of life in the garden. This tree would have been sufficient to let the offspring eat from it if they were faithful and thus avoid millions of innocent people suffering and dying.

  • suavojr

    Another good reason why this story does not makes sense and cannot be true

  • poopsiecakes

    So I think God wanted satan to have his kingdom on earth, to make it evident what that would lead to, and also to show satan and everyone that even a sinful person can "hate" his sinfulness and wish to get rid of it and to completely conform to God's will.

    Please think for a moment, darlin. Just think without any interference from a book, your upbringing, or anything you've come to rely on more than your own sense of logic.

  • NotNew

    Redvip2000...said it all!


  • sowhatnow

    there was a point in genesis in ch2 vs 15 it says that God took the man and put him in the garden. why?

    where was he before? what was he doing? why confine him to a garden? you notice that the rivers were already named,

    and at some point, they even mention the gems and minerals that were around. who would know that?

    later adam gets a wife. now MEN, tell me that as a man being alone gettin a woman your not going to mount her asap?

    so God prevented her from having chldren? that goes against what he purposed.

    no , I think she did have children. but they went to the other earth, or to heaven when those two sinned.

    why do i think she had children?

    becasue when they sinned it was said that her pain in giving birth will INCREASE.

    so she had to have has children to have know what pain was right? [why would a perfect creation have pain upon birth? hmmm. ]

    then eve being perfect an taught by God , believes in a talking aniimal? how would she know what good and bad was unless she wittnessed it , and wittnessed death. did she know waht death was? was she afraid of it?

    no, If anything, it would be simply an angelic creature that was also in the garden, coming and going, then deciding that he is gong to mess with eve and probably took a while to convince her to eat the fruit.

    maybe she was blackmailed.

    when the angels were preventing them from finsing the tree of life. when they blocked the entrence it says in vs 21 of ch 3 that he must not be allowed to take of teh fruit of the tree of life and live forever!!!

    yea, so if they found the tree of life they would live forever?? so they were banished fro mthe garden.

    wow then woman are to crave thier husband and he will be dominant over her, well that means

    originally men and women were EQUAL??

    WOW, what a story indeed. one to make women belive they are beneath men [only in the negative way lol ]

    women caused all mankinds problems by being misled,

    and that snakes are bad? [although too snakes dont eat dust. worms might. lol]

    lol see how get????

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