Changed: Head coverings for sisters, w15 2/15 QFR

by wifibandit 52 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    propologos, I hope you are joking, but not very funny. Of course you realize my father was a pedophile, so I don't consider this very funny. I never saw any congregation suggest that a sister needed a chaperone to be in the company of their father, son, brother, nephew, uncle in the field service.

    Point well taken blondie, with the oedipus complex and incest,

  • designs

    Burkhas for everyone.....

  • prologos

    blondie I am sorry to hear of your personal experience, and to have touched your feelings on the subject, The reference I quoted from the km was pertinent to my concern for sittuations where sexual predetors (not child rapists) use the field service to get close to their prey. It is in that context that the head covering issue might arise.

    Husbands, fathers, sons would not use the the 'bible study' work to entertain their despicable urges. "planning ahead for the pleasures of [their] flesh."

    Whenever I add a 4st grade rhime, alliteration, it is not to trivialize a serious issue, but to remind myself, and those of similar mindset, that this religious concept, of the talking snake, the fall, redemption should be taken with a grain of salt, comments "seasoned with salt".

  • inbetween

    true spirituality is when you`re up to date with Jehovah direction regarding head covering....

    actually how sad.....

  • punkofnice

    I wonder if AM3 has any comments about the tightness or colouration of the tea-towel head covering?


    This small extract is taken from: Obey Jehovah God! - by Trevor Willis.

    Being baptised had opened up new privileges in the congregation, but caused certain difficulties. The sisters in the congregation did not share the same status as the brothers. They were not allowed to lecture from the platform or make any announcement directly to the audience. When a sister was allowed on the platform, she had to address another sister, while the audience listened in. A brother had to remain on the platform at all times. Sisters could not offer prayer on behalf of the congregation, or even say grace aloud over a meal in the presence of a baptised male. They could offer prayer in the presence of a brother who had not been baptised, but had to cover their heads before they did this. A sister could not be appointed as a congregation servant.

    Certain situations were getting complicated. When in small group meetings, Terry was embarrassed to be asked to take over from older sisters. He had for some weeks accompanied a married pioneer sister called Mary, to a Bible study with an interested young lady; that is, a young lady interested in their beliefs. The time spent with her counted towards the required hundred hours a month. The study provided an enjoyable hour away from the elements, in the warm. Terry would open and close with prayer and Mary would conduct the study.

    Ron found out about the arrangement and wasted no time in addressing the matter. ‘It’s not right having a sister conduct the study when a baptised male is present.’

    ‘I don’t see what the problem is. Mary always covers her head­­­­ while conducting the study and gets me to open and close in prayer. She was taking the study long before I was invited along.’

    Terry's father was adamant. ‘If she wants you to be there, then you will have to conduct the study.’

    Terry protested. ‘I can’t just take over her study, it wouldn’t be fair. Anyway Mary is older than me and more experienced. As the study is with a young lady, it’s appropriate that she conducts it.’

    His father stood up and raised his voice. ‘I am a congregation servant and I decide what is appropriate. If she won’t let you conduct the study then you will have to stop going. In Jehovah’s arrangement, everyone has their place and Mary needs to be reminded of her place in the congregation. You also have to remember that I am head of this family, so you will do as I tell you.’

    It was futile for Terry to argue any more with his father. Ron’s mind was made up and once made up, could not be undone. Terry was not prepared to pull rank on Mary, perhaps leading to her simply withdrawing the invitation to accompany her. He simply told her that he would not be attending the study with her any more. He offered no explanation but Mary was insistent. He reluctantly conveyed his father’s reasoning. She was upset and tried to reason, saying that his father was wrong. But she had to accept that Terry had no choice in the matter.

    The incident troubled him greatly and added to the resentment that he felt towards authority. Being forced to treat people in a way that he felt was wrong, for reasons that made no sense to him, seemed to be a misuse of authority. It could not go on! That day another brick was knocked from the wall around Terry’s mind that kept him captive.

  • M*A*S*H

    The thing sisters should remember is, the thicker the head covering... the more respectful you are being.

    Sometimes my dog leads us in prayer and as a bitch...


  • Fernando

    As Ray Franz explained, apostate "legalism leads to a morass of inconsistencies", requiring perpetual "adjustments", and flip-flops.

    Jesus was possibly a little pithier:

    The blind leading the blind.

  • respectful_observer

    "Alternatively, she could ask the brother to conduct the study if he is qualified and able to do so."

    Wait, so this brother has qualified as "an ordained minister" through his dedication and public baptism, yet may not be "qualified and able" to conduct a bible study? How exactly does that work?

  • MissFit

    Sometimes when the sisters would meet for "service" there would be no Brothers to conduct the meeting for service.

    I have this memory of when I was little (around 1968 or so),

    of these sisters scrounging around looking for a scarf for a head covering so someone could conduct the meeting for service.

    They couldn't find one, so a sister went to the restroom and brought back a paper towel. They past the towel around saying to eachother here you do it, no you do it. They were all laughing but no one really wanted to take the lead and wear the napkin.

    so I have this mental picture of a grown women leading the text and prayer trying to keep a napkin balanced on her head.

    Later on someone got smart and left a scarf at the hall to use.

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