Barbara Anderson scheduled to appear on "Chuck Morse Speaks" from 11-12 AM ET on November 11, 2014

by ABibleStudent 12 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • OnTheWayOut

    It appears to be totally free when clicking at and scrolling down to Nov. 11th to the podcast.

    She's in the second hour so I skipped the first and am listening now. I will post about it later.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Well, it was good for me to listen. Click to the 50-minute mark to skip the first hour.

    From Chuck's attitudes, you kind of get the idea that people not in the know about JW's really don't know and don't care what is going on there.

  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    For those who might be interested, there is now an edited (eliminated the first hour of the show, commercials, excessive music and show tags, etc.) version available on Barbara Anderson's website and on YouTube. We've also deleted some repitious material while adding some photos and screen grabs to give some visual interest to the (now) 35 minute interview.

    Personally I found Chuck Morse to be a better than average interviewer, although he could have stepped in more often to break up Barbara's segments to make it more conversational. While he seems neutral on the religious aspect of the JWs and even supports the theological application of the two-witness rule, you can also hear the frustration in both his and Barbara's voices when she starts counting off all of the child abuse cases that have happened just since she found about the problem in 1991. The Watchtower is appropriately compared to the Vatican as well in their willingness to spend millions defending their indefensible positions and failure to protect children. For those who don't know, Barbara is also active in SNAP.

    If you choose to stay with it all the way, there are more photos per minute at the end than the beginning and there is an "easter egg" during the end credits. Those of you who frequent JW websites, YT videos, and Facebook threads will like have heard and seen it all before. But those who are not familiar with Barbara Anderson or her work will get quite an education.

    The video can be found on her home page at (an article will follow in a few days) and direct from YouTube at

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