I'm thinking of going back

by Spectre 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Spectre

    ......to see how much I get love bombed in my tight pants and bright socks.

    I bet they'll totally respect my GB approved pinky ring though.

    I haven't been to a meeting since 1994 so I wonder if they'll get the irony if I ask, "So what's changed?"

    Good effin' lord....I just realized I've been out for 20 years.

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    I dare you.........pics please

  • AlphaMan

    Hello Pam's girl.....nice to have you back around.

  • Spectre

    Sure thing, Pams girl.

  • SoJo16

    Hey Spectre, me too, out 20 years this year. And just found this forum. Gives me an urge to put on my tightest yoga pants and walk a couple times around the KH block. And then do actual yoga poses in front of the hall.

  • LisaRose

    You need to go to metrosexual.com and get one of those suits Anthony was talking about, that's what's going to really impress them down at the kingdom hall.

  • LostGeneration

    20 years, that is something! Nice work.

    Would be hilarious after they explained the changes to come back with "So was it the truth then, or now? It can't be both."

  • laverite

    Do it! Seriously. And pack something extra so that you have absolutely ridiculous bulge. The thought of someone doing this just tickles me. I don't know why. I can imagine the looks on so many people's faces. My inner 12 year old gay boy is giggling right now.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I found my dearest jw friend on facebook, who at first thought I was just inactive. She was trying to be encouraging, without being preachy. She told me that so much has changed.

  • HeyThere

    If I chance another appearance at the kingdom hall, I will wear a nice, worldly dress ;-)

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