Over 1,000,000 in attendance and you are worried about tight pants?

by Separation of Powers 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    You know, rarely in the history of the ORG has a group this large congregated to hear from "mother." They incessantly speak of the HUGE group that met at Yankee stadium in 1958...the over 250,000 that congregated to be instructed by JEHOVAH. But over the weekend, there were over 1,000,000 people excited to hear some type of direction, some type of encouragement, something to help them hang on "just a little longer."

    Most of the meeting was the typical Zone overseer drivel, "good job bethelites" "get to your work assignment on time bethelites" "its good to be a bethelite" and all that. But, there was one talk designed exclusively for the "visitor" the non-bethelite. One chance to reach out to the R&F and "lift them up."

    But, what did we get? Metrosexual bashing, Tight pant condemnation, Too Colorful Sock rejection, vampire movies, and my personal favorite....No Spanxx! Really?

    Are you kidding me here?

    First off....the whole metrosexual thing is so late 90's early 2000's. Men are more concerned about their appearance than ever before. They moisturize...is that Metro? These are comments from a man a little too preoccupied with those of his own gender.

    The whole tight pant thing goes back to the late 50's early 60's....ever see Jimmy Fallon's comedic sketch of "tight pants?" Can anyone say Jersey Boys?

    Socks? If there was one single thing in that talk that was blatantly wrong with no, absolutely no basis, it was a bashing of socks! That single comment really proved that this guy, a member of the GB no less, is absolutely so self-absorbed and clueless that it is mind-boggling! Does that mean I can't wear my kilt because my socks are my family's tartan color scheme? If a "spiritual man" is a man that scrutinizes every little thing, even to the point of condemning someone's socks....then the cultlike nature of this ORG is becoming more defined. I can't wait for the November 2015 article, "Boxers or Briefs? The Biblical view of girding up your loins"

    As for the SPANXX comment.....absurd! Probably be some legal repercussions with that one!

    If those are the things that consume the mind of the spiritual man....frivolous and innane, then this GB will destroy this ORG....they need no help from anyone to do that!

  • BU2B

    The Rank and file cant wear colourful socks, yet the GB can all wear pinky rings... Ok then

  • BU2B

    Also the OP is correct. This may be the largest gathering of JWs ever to hear the same program from the same speakers, and this was the best they could come up with??? Bashing clothing choices? Creating class distinctions? Telling people if they dont save money from their low paying job and travel to take a 1 hour tour of a factory, then they are not "spiritual"? Telling 1,000,000 people that marrying a non MS no matter how nice they are is a "mistake you will pay for"!

  • BU2B

    Nothing about world events, prophecy, or anything. Just look how many languages we translate! Get to morning worship from 90 Sands on time! Gay men love it when you wear tight pants.. He would know..

  • pixel

    No mention at all about the brothers/sisters that got killed on the bus on their way to preach, but hey! colorful socks are more important now days!!

  • TTATTelder

    this GB will destroy this ORG....they need no help from anyone to do that! ...SOP

    Amen to that.

    It's hard to imagine anything being more damaging than their own choices lately. I am happy JWFacts.com and this forum sit waiting for the new doubters to stumble on after each of the GB's missteps.

    If you walk away from that Tony III talk and think he is one of only 7 chosen men in all the earth used by God to give "food at the proper time", then you are one sick indoctrinated puppy.


  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    Oh what a picture in my mind it's armageddon and you were in a hurry that day so you threw on some spanx and all your socks were dirty except the red ones. So you rush out the door and the sky fills with insane angels you remember the old pictures of people wearing headbands getting slaughtered and you're glad they went out of style. Suddenly you look down at your bright red socks and you rip them off along with the spanx tag on the back of your pants and you hope the angels are too dumb to notice you're little manuver. Good thing the gb gave you that snack at the proper time.

  • BU2B

    Out of the 1000000 who heard this talk, how many were startled, stumbled, troubled, or enraged by his talk? I would think around 100,000. Of those it could start them on the road OUT of WTland.

    I wish I could have footage of KH audiences around the US, with zoom capabilities and pausing to see peoples faces right when he made the craziest statements. I want to see how many look shocked, angry, and how many were smiling and nodding.

    Even AMIII himself remarked that the talk would be conterversial and how other audiences who heard it got angry, to which he repeated, while holding a WT printout that he probably wrote himself- "take it up with god".

  • OnTheWayOut

    These GB guys are always good for laughs.



    You can also find a nearly identical act with Jimmy Fallon and Will Farrell.


    I used to wear ties that had animals on them. While the elders kept their mouths shut, there were always a few elderettes that would negatively comment on them. If Tony had condemned bright dayglo-colored suits which are popular among older black men in the JW's and Paul saffer (of David Letterman fame), you would have seen a large exodus from the Watchtower. I won't post some video that makes fun of such men as I admire them for their style and flare and willingness to be themselves. Instead, enjoy a video that celebrates that type of style and ends with the most positive statement: "These extraordinary men remind us that in life, you can always choose who you are."


  • oppostate

    The only part of my suits that seems to be tight is the belly part.

    But I'm going to Amazon.com and buying the most neon colored socks I can and wear them to the KH.

    I pity the fool that says anything at the KH about my choice of clothing!


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