Year 3: Personal Experiences

by Londo111 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • kairos

    I've been watching your YouTube channel.

    Thank you for your efforts. I hope I can share your vids with my wife when she's ready.

    I've found them to be helpful. I also find your mild mannered way of speaking keeps my rage against WT in check...

  • Londo111
  • Emery

    Awesome video Londo.

  • TTATTelder

    I enjoyed the vid guy. Seemed quite sincere. Thanks for that. Therapeutic to hear other people's stories.

    Nice to know we're not fighting this alone.


  • Pterist

    good honest from the heart video Londo ;)

    Thank you for adding me to your gmail+

    Did you try the gmail free VOIP phone to and from Canada and USA ? It's my "landline" (whats a landline ???) no matter where I am ;)

    thanks again brother and friend !

  • GrreatTeacher

    It's humble guys like you that the Org chews up and spits out. And it's their loss, obviously, after meeting you.

    Thanks for posting this video. Loved it.

  • Londo111

    Emery, TTATTelder: thanks!

    Pterist: thank you. I haven't looked at the VOIP phone yet...I'll have to look into that.

    GrreatTeacher: thank! Yes, at one point I was puddy in the hands of the elders when I foolishly put my head into the lion's mouth, but gets chewed up and spit out did lead to my opening my eyes.

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