If THAT is Paradise, count me bored....

by bafh 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • bafh

    I happened to attend a session of the summer convention on Sunday morning.

    One thing that that struck me was how their view of Paradise was that we would all be the same. They kept talking about how nice it would be if we all spoke the same language. I just thought how boring it would be. You destroy language, you destroy culture. And isn't THAT one thing that is so interesting about people? We do so many of the same things differently. If God allowed humans to create cultures and languages, why couldnt paradise involve us understanding each other's language while still peaking our own? Their ideas of how things should be are just so narrow.

    If there is a God - he clearly values variety and individualism. Look at Zebras and Giraffes. To the naked eye, they all look the same. Yet, each zebra and giraffe have their own unique patterns. No two are alike.

    I know this not an earth shattering revelation on my part, but the more distance I get from JWs, the more unscriptural I think they are.

    color me happily faded


  • sparrowdown

    This homogenized world they speak of sounds very unappealing.

  • OneEyedJoe

    I've said it a number of times here, but I often thought that for me to be happy in the jw paradise I'd pretty much have to be lobotomized. The bulk of things that make me happy would be impossible or unlikely in jw-world - Scotch, cars, computers, beef, etc, etc.

  • Blackfalcon98

    Jah split up the one language to create confusion (lolol), and it worked! The dubs gather people who find this appealing relative to their current situation and exploit it!

  • DaleRivers

    Learning all the languages there are would have been a great way to spend time in paradise. Just imagine teaching your pet lion, tiger, panda, etc. to sit, rollover, and fetch in multi languages.

  • Hidden-Window

    I am with you on this. They depict paradise as an extremely boring place: No allusion to technology or science, no restaurants, no universities, no Starbucks where you can sit down to talk or read a good book and, by the way, no books to read, especially because all authors are gone, since they are not witnesses. The list is endless...

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Unending happy clappy time, I think the suicide rate would be thru the roof.

  • stuckinarut2

    Yep, the moment you even think a brief passing thought like "wow, she is really pretty", you will be turned into a puff of dust!

    Or if you just ask a question like "may I please have a different assigned task to do other than cleaning up the dead bodies of little babies killed at the big A?", You will be charged with rebellion and killed.

    Sounds like a wonderful place to be for anyone with even the slightest bit of individuality or personality!

  • bafh

    i guess what I don't get is why or where they get the idea that everyone has to be the same. It's not even scriptural thinking.

  • silent

    This has been one of my concerns for a long time. I realized a world full of Witnesses would almost be a fate worse than death. I just have never gotten along that well with any JWs. They always have judged me, pushed me to do things I was uncomfortable doing, labeled me spiritually weak, and when I would share with them things I was interested in, I'd get told things like, "We will just have to wait and see in the new system." Even my frequent computer use at one time was shunned. It actually makes me angry when I go to a meeting and see everyone with tablets, ipads, smart phones, kindles, etc. It's not the same religion I grew up in and the emotional turmoil I struggle with comes to the fore. I shake so bad I need to take a sedative and my doctor doesn't understand why I keep going if I'm affected this badly. It's hard to explain and he tells me not to go if I get this worked up.

    When you suffer through a "current understanding" only to find out later there was nothing wrong with it in the first place and now everyone is doing it and can do it, you are left feeling like, "What in the heck did I endure all those years of emotional abuse and turmoil for when there was nothing wrong with it the first place?"

    I go, but only once in a great while, because I have a streak of fear and guilt aftewards that lasts about 4 days before I feel normal again. It's the strangest thing I've ever experienced. Even my wife says she can't deal with me for 4 days afterwards and she is drained trying to bring me back around to my old self. It's something severely psychological, but I can't quite put a finger on it. It's really weird and I don't understand why it seems I'm afflicted with this and others aren't...or they are but they don't tell anyone.

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