Christmas lights

by Gorbatchov 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • LisaRose

    Doesn't it feel great to just be able to do something like that? The Watchtower makes out that Christmas is all abut materialism, greed and stress, but really, Christmas is what you make of it. Putting up lights is a simple way to celebrate the season and feel like part of a community, I love walking around n a cold winters night and seeing all the lights and decoration.

  • Simon

    I have to say, we did the whole xmas thing and lights after we left but ... well, it's a bit of a chore!

    Up here in the cold north you have to put the lights up in October or else there is a very good chance you are doing it in the snow. Then you either risk life and limb taking them down in Jan / Feb or wait until the snow melts. Ultimately, you may as well leave them up all year round because they only come off for a few months in summer.

    If the power goes out and the timer resets then you end up with Christmas lights on in July. Yeah, did that once ...

    Now we don't bother so much. I think the kids grow out of it and I have better things to do with my time and money now - but it was great being able to do it when they were little and I think they enjoyed it.

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