David Splane Destroys the Very Foundation of 1914- Corp. Meeting New Light

by scotoma 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Finkelstein

    I'm starting to believe even the GB heads are quietly assuming the 1914 doctrine is fallacious in its originality of how it was devised.

    I think they are mentally working on how to erase it and toss it into the " We were just overly zealous and were just imperfect men Category "


    God has provided with new light and the new light tells us that Jesus didn't take his heavenly throne in 1914 because in reality there was no

    calculation to be made by his living devoted servants.

  • prologos

    Finkelstein, this year they released the "Kingdom of 1914' book, basically saying Kingdom rule is all organisational internal, not with cosmic consequences.

    Eden one could be right. The GB is playing with fire, adding fuel, defying court orders on pedo-predetor-rapists, sending 'Agent Provocateurs' into israel/ palestine, but hoarding resources/money, depleting the R&F's ability to rebel.

  • alexandre

    maybe this understanding about what is 1914 changes, but this is not now!

  • Finkelstein

    The WTS. was always a theological fraud of sorts right back to its original founder C T Russell.

    Of course this fraud was inherently devised to attract attention to its literature and and proliferate that

    literature which the writers published.

    Now those old commercial alluring doctrines are starting to become relevant and a bit problematic due

    to their false pretense as being truthful and honest.

    The GB may actually have complacently felt they covered their asses with this new

    overlapping generation doctrine that they are going to ride on it for awhile longer,

    at least for the duration of their own life time.


    The other problem they face is that nothing has happen as to what they said was going to happen since 1914... 100 + years ...... oppsy .

  • SAHS

    “Finkelstein”: “God has provided with new light and the new light tells us that Jesus didn't take his heavenly throne in 1914 because in reality there was no calculation to be made by his living devoted servants.”

    Precisely. And to back it up most conclusively, all I have to say is: “The Gentile Times Reconsidered,” by Carl Olof Jonsson. That book, which I have read, TOTALLY and THOROUGHLY blows the WTS’ spurious 1914 crap right out of the water . . . BIGTIME!

  • sloppyjoe2

    @startrekangel, JWS eventually will start saying that in Noah's day God limited their time to 120 years and apply it to themselves. 1914 + 120 gives you 2034.

    They have already referenced this as an option in the 12/15/2003 watchtower here in paragraph 6,7.


  • Finkelstein

    The ironic part of the WTS/ JWS organization is that people are putting full trust with their lives for a group of men that are and have been lying

    about something that they themselves were first drawn into.

    Sad when the general public cant see through this corrupt commercialization.


    Isn't the fact though that being the WTS/JWS has only 8 million adherents world wide to date after 100 + years of door to door proselytizing a tel tale

    realization that the majority of the public think the WTS. is a fraud within itself.

    In a whole the WTS is an exercise in religious charlatanism by a distinct unregulated religious publishing house.

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