The High Cost Of War

by designs 20 Replies latest social current

  • designs

    Britain is refinancing some Soverign War Bonds dating from the Crimean War, Napoleonic War and WWI, 2 $Billion worth. 2 century old debt.

    Our President has been reluctant to begin another war when the debt of the previous two wars hangs heavy. Those of the ProWar persuasion have insisted on 'Boots On The Ground' a move that would require 100,000s of personnel in the Middle East and allocating billions in debt to cover the cost.

    "Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and not clothed" President Eisenhower

    -the cost of one bomber is the price of a school in 30 cities, 2 power plants, 2 hospitals, this is not a way of life in any true sense'.....D.Eisenhower

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I am very glad that President Obama is a lame duck president now. It increases his power to stay out of a ground war. I don't see that the Bush wars accomplished much. We need to conduct a multigenerational psych ops war with terrorism. Casting Islam as a gutter religion is exactly what the terrorists want.

  • KateWild

    Soldiers in Britain tend to come from the most derprived parts of the country and towns where finding work is almost imopossible even with qualifications. Yes war costs a lot in many ways, it costs lives and causes poverty.

    Kate xx

  • designs

    Kate, here in the US we just saw the Veterans Administration exposed for insufficient resources to treat the Veterans we have. Congress voted to cut funding. Over 8,000 Veterans committ suicide every single year. Yet certain 'Hawks' want more blood spilt.

  • Simon

    One difference with some of the recent wars is that because they are unpopular, the government has to pay for them itself instead of via war bonds.

    How did the US government get the money to pay for the Iraq war? They just printed it. The subsequent financial / banking meltdown was indirectly caused by this (combined with other government stupid such are removing regulatory protections).

    War now seems to be a way for money to be taken from the masses and given to the few. It's insane that the US bancrupts itself after seeing what happened to soviet Russia. Sure, they may not go bust but the amount spent on arms vs the state of the country's infrastructure and care of citizens is in poor balance.

    The US seems addicted to military conflict right now and of course it's contrived to have arms manufacturing distributed in every state so none will object or want it to end.

    The military industrial comples IS in charge just like Dwight warned people it would be. A silent coup.

    And it's hard to take control back.

  • designs

    Col. John Paul Vann pulled back the curtain on the corruption and politics of the Vietnam War in his book The Bright Shining Lie. And of course every President since Kennedy remembers Nov.22,1963 and the message it sent.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    When Obama's time is up.

    The Bush family, Jeb will get back in office

    and start another war.

    Then our economy will really suffer.

    And who will put him in office? The right wing Christian fundamenalist.

    The Bush family and the Christians destroying America and the American economy

    is really hard to get my head around.

    I can only think they are not real Christians, they are proving false by their actions.

    They have a form of Godly devotion but prove false to its power.

    The number of real Christians in the world must be far fewer than most people think.

    Possibly even fewer than the number of JW's in the world.

    I would think real christians do not have a big central organization,

    but meet in small groups in peoples homes and store front and small independent churces.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    War now seems to be a way for money to be taken from the masses and given to the few.

    This seems to have been going on since the begining of history for the past 5000 years.

    That is what the record of history indicates.

  • designs

    Huffington Post puts the cost of the current conflict with ISIS at $1.5 Billion per month.

  • AlphaMan

    When Obama's time is up. The Bush family, Jeb will get back in office and start another war.

    LOL.....Jeb as Prez not gonna happen.

    Huffington Post puts the cost of the current conflict with ISIS at $1.5 Billion per month.

    That may be so, but the Obama administration feels it is a necessary conflict.

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