How good a boxer was Muhammad Ali?

by LoveUniHateExams 32 Replies latest social physical

  • LoveUniHateExams

    blondie - I agree, Tyson's ear-biting in the return fight with Holyfield was disgraceful - it certainly puts illegal tactics employed by Ali in the shade.

    minimus - maybe a prime, well-motivated Tyson has a shot against Ali - if a 185lb Cooper left hook can have Ali/Clay in trouble, what could a 220lbTyson left hook do?

  • 3rdgen

    My dad like to watch boxing on TV and I have some decent memories of the two of us watching Cassius Clay whoop his opponants at the 1960 Olimpics. Muhammad Ali was such a provocitive and colorful person OUT of the ring it made me want to see if he could live up to all his bravado IN it. I became a fan because he put his personality into his fights. I was used to seeing heavyweight fighters slug it out flatfooted and as a little girl I found it boring and brutal. Along comes MA dancing, doging, rop-a-doping, and wow, I couldn't take my eyes off him.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    @3rdgen - I agree, Ali was compulsive viewing.

    I remember watching Ali vs Bob Foster on youtube.

    Foster was the light-heavyweight champ and a good fighter. He caught Ali a couple of times with the right hand and, each time, Ali would make his legs wobble as if he was going out, taking the p1$$. He treated Foster like a sparring partner, incredible!

  • Separation of Powers
    Separation of Powers

    Up and coming....phenomenal

    At his peak of popularity...not as good as all that, more of a showboater than necessary....

    In all though, considering the top of the heavy weights, had to be in the top 3...maybe even 2.


    He was better than most of his opponents. Also, boxing is not fighting, there are many ways to win and its political. Even so, throwing a powerful accurate jab in 1/4 of a second is pretty good.


  • Simon

    There's a great article on thw BBC site about "the rumble in the jungle":

    Also, a round-by-round commentary of the fight by modern boxers:

    Ali was a great boxer. He carried on too long though - he should have retired after that fight.

  • Simon

    Also, re: the comments about Tyson ...

    You can't compare people out of their era. Technology, neutrition and training are all different as are the rules and often 'extra substances'.

    All you can look at is how much a person dominated a sport against their contemporaries and whether they had great competition.

    Ali was top in the golden age of heavy-weight boxing.

  • Hairtrigger
    Interesting topic the hypothetical match between Tyson and ali. Here's one analysis found on the net.

    ) Written 28 Jan . Anubhav Gupta Anubhav Gupta , Tennis lover, Computer Science student, Bits Pilani 14 upvotes by Apurva Pandit, Quora User , Quora User , (more) If you’re going to have a discussion, especially a fantasy discussion, in which you compare boxers then you need to look at no less than 9 things.

    They are:

    Style – How does he box?
    Punching Power – Is he swatting flies or cracking jaws?
    Speed – Can you see his punches coming or do they sneak up on you?
    Chin - Can the boxer take a pounding and stand his ground?
    Defense – Is he a human punching bag or is he hard to hit?
    Heart – Does he have the desire to peel his sweaty carcass off the canvas and return to battle?
    Psychology – Can he get inside his opponent's head and nullify his training?
    Key Losses – Who did the boxer lose to and why?
    Stamina/Endurance – Is he grabbing his knees in the eighth round?

    Anything short of this involves too much speculation and emotion. Like I said before, the conversation eventually breaks down into drivel.

    Point 1 – Style

    It is well known that styles make fights. A world-class puncher can frustrate and defeat the most powerful beast around. A patient fighter can pound a great defender’s arms until they drop, creating the opening that ends the fight. This makes boxing great.

    Muhammad Ali created his own style and violated every rule of boxing along the way. His hands dangled loosely by his side. Instead of using his arms to block he leaned back to avoid punches. He threw a variety of looping punches from ridiculous angles. He was a notorious headhunter with little concern for body shots.

    Ali’s natural gifts afforded him the luxury of spitting in the face of boxing’s established rules.

    In the book Ali in Action: The Man, the Moves, and the Mouth, Ali is described as a heavyweight with the hand speed and reflexes of a welterweight (page 11). He stayed on his toes, gracefully danced around the ring and exclusively targeted his opponent’s head with deadly four-punch combinations. Ali would wear an opponent down and go in for the kill when his opponent couldn’t defend himself.

    His style was frustrating for another reason. Ali had the reach to land authoritative shots from a distance. Ali is legendary for keeping his opponents at a safe distance while simultaneously landing power punches. Everything he did in the ring served to create and maintain the operating space he desired.

    Imagine yourself in the ring with Ali. You are fighting a person who is taller AND faster than you. When you approach, he gets on his tiptoes, takes two steps back, then lands three power shots to your face during his retreat.

    You stand there bewildered. Surely something is afoot! Dazed and confused you decide to cover your face and attack his body. Your opponent floats to the right and delivers a crushing uppercut to your chin. Your natural defense systems kick in and you unleash a flurry of punches that have no hope of connecting.

    While you contemplate your next move he decides to hit you with five lightning quick power shots to the face. You go down with no hope of getting up. Take a bow (if you can), you have just experienced 20 seconds of boxing Muhammad Ali.

    Mike Tyson was a different animal altogether.

    Tyson moved straight ahead with evil intent. Mike Tyson used the peek-a-boo guard to protect his face and body. When he dropped his guard, he was doing so to unleash weapons of mass destruction.

    As a result, the opportunity to hit Tyson was a double-edged sword.

    If you attacked Tyson, you were going to get hit and it wasn’t going to tickle! At his most effective Mike Tyson was a combination puncher who unleashed violent body and head quartets that would shorten anybody’s night. Tyson has often said his goal was to punch through his opponent’s head. Sound’s delightful doesn’t it?

    Fighting Mike Tyson was just as bad (if not worse) than fighting Muhammad Ali.

    Imagine yourself standing toe to toe with this monster. You throw two punches at his peek-a-boo guard. The impact is laughable. As your second punch comes back, you see a flash of dark flesh moving.

    You’re not sure what happened but you know it hurts. Both sides of your stomach recoil in pain. As you bend over you catch two left hooks to your right cheek. Your mouthpiece drops out, you lose your equilibrium and kiss the canvas. Pick you chin up, you’ve just experienced 20 seconds of boxing Mike Tyson.

    Advantage - Ali

    Mike Tyson’s style is definitely more intimidating than Muhammad Ali’s. Tyson could stop a fight in a hurry. Ali gets the nod from boxing history on this one though.

    Boxing has had its fair share of power punchers, but the greatest in the sport have always had the ability to deliver punishment and disorient opponents for an extended period of time. Mike Tyson sorely lacked this ability.

    Ali was an effective puncher. He had 37 knockouts in his career. Only 12 of those are what most folks consider a true knockout.

    He had 25 TKOs in which he outclassed his opponent and the referee stopped the fight.

    36 of Ali’s wins came in the seventh round or later. In fact, he won more rounds by going the distance than any other way. He won 18 fights in the final round (11 in round 15 and 7 in round 12).

    Tyson’s goal was to kill you early. Every blow that came from Tyson was explosive. A staggering 41 percent of Mike Tyson’s fights ended in the first round. His next highest total was 12 percent in the second round.

    Mike Tyson’s first championship victory most adequately displayed this titan’s power.

    In a truly humorous scene, Mike Tyson chased Trevor Berbick around the ring landing power shot after power shot. The last punch was a precise left hook. That blow led to one of the most humorous knockouts in boxing history. Trevor Berbick lost his composure and crumbled to the ground. Berbick stood up, tripped over his own feet and fell down.

    For his last trick Berbick stood up and slumped into the loving arms of Mills Lane. Larry, Moe and Curly from the Three Stooges couldn’t have done it better. Everyone laughed…everyone except Trevor Berbick.

    Advantage - Tyson

    Tyson’s power and fury was unparalleled. Mike Tyson registered 23 TKOs and 21 KOs. He ended 41 percent of his fights within three minutes. That’s power!

    Point 3 – Speed

    Speed in boxing is measured two ways: hand speed and foot speed.

    Hand speed measures how quickly a person can get off a punch. Foot speed measures how quickly a person moves around the ring.

    Ali is the clear winner when it comes to foot speed. He had speed that a man of his size wouldn’t normally possess. Ali had quick hands as well, but his hand speed was nowhere near as lethal as his foot speed.

    For years Mike Tyson’s hand speed has been overlooked. He packed such lethal punches that few people noticed his speed. In his documentary, Mike Tyson states that he studied quick exciting boxers and he modeled his style after them.

    Watch a few clips of Tyson throwing punches and you’ll see what I mean. Tyson would whip out five or six hooks and uppercuts in the blink of an eye. It was extremely rare to see a boxer beat Mike Tyson to the punch.

    Mike Tyson was not the fastest when it came to foot speed, but he used what he had to stalk opponents and punish them.

    Advantage - Tyson

    Mike Tyson faster than Ali?!!??? I can hear the moaning now.

    That’s right I said it. Tyson was faster in the ring for all practical purposes. Muhammad Ali relied on his foot speed as his main defense. That foot speed failed him SEVERAL times.

    Ali took SEVERE punishment from Max Schmeling, Oscar Bonavena, Joe Frazier and Ken Norton. Anyone who applied a decent amount of pressure to Ali could nullify his quick feet.

    Tyson fought from a traditional stance so he didn’t waste nearly as much motion as Ali. When he avoided a punch he did so with a lightning quick snap of the head. When Ali avoided a punch it often involved a lean, a foot shuffle and a trip to the corner store.

    Tyson's persistent pressure and precision punching nullify Ali’s foot speed.

    Point 4 – Chin

    Mike Tyson’s armor came with a major chink. His chin was relatively nonexistent. It was never really tested, but it failed on those rare occasions that he needed it.

    His chin was put to the test in bouts with Lennox Lewis (Tyson was KO’d), Evander Holyfield (Tyson lost on a TKO in which he admits to blacking out) and Buster Douglas (Tyson’s most infamous KO loss).

    Ali’s chin is legendary.

    Ali’s face was used as a punching bag several times. Many people consider George Foreman the hardest hitting man in boxing…EVER. Ali invited punishment against George Foreman in his prime! He took a tremendous beating in his only loss to Frazier and didn’t fall until Frazier landed a picture perfect leaping hook in the 15th round.

    Advantage - Ali

    Muhammad Ali’s chin is legendary. The only KO of any kind on his record was against Larry Holmes when Ali was 38 years old. Mike Tyson was knocked out five times. There really is no comparison in this category.

    Point 5 – Defense

    Ali’s theatrics, record and entertaining style are romanticized to the point that they hid a dramatic flaw in his game. His defense was awful.

    His arms were never in a defensive position and he relied solely on his instincts for defense. Ali's propensity to headhunt and his refusal to defend his body gave opponents plenty of real estate for contact.

    Ali’s lackadaisical stance and defense left him open for a Tyson favorite, the left hook (which he absorbed routinely in his career). As a result his chin and heart were tested several times when a good defense would have prevented this.

    Mike Tyson didn’t have the best defense. However, he wasn’t open for business the entire fight like Muhammad Ali. Tyson (five KO losses) was knocked out more times than Ali (one KO loss) but he didn’t take nearly as much punishment.

    Advantage - Tyson

    Tyson wins this category because unlike Ali he made an attempt to defend himself. Ali’s cockiness made it easy for an opponent to land big shot after big shot. Tyson would exploit this opportunity and land several power shots.

    Boxing is often called the sweet science. There is a reason for that. Boxing, more so than any other sport, is a blend of technical ability and desire. It is a primitive sport in which a person’s will (or lack thereof) is apparent.

    Mike Tyson never displayed great heart. He fought back to win against Razor Ruddock but that was basically it. After taking punishment, he was visibly demoralized in bouts with the “Irish Champion” Kevin McBride, Evander Holyfield and Lennox Lewis.

    Tyson could dominate a fight, but he didn’t possess the will to dig deep and deliver punishment when the chips were stacked against him.

    Muhammad Ali was a true warrior with an astounding amount of heart. To some people he showed a little too much. Ken Norton broke Ali’s jaw early in their first fight. Ali fought for at least seven rounds with the pain of a broken jaw that got worse with each round.

    Ali was also put down in several fights that he went on to win:

    Henry Cooper knocked him down in the fourth round. Ali won the fight.
    Chuck Wepner knocked Ali down in the ninth round. Ali won the fight.
    Sonny Banks knocked Ali down. Ali won the fight.

    Advantage - Ali

    Ali had heart to match his incredible physical gifts. Despite taking a debilitating amount of punishment he was never knocked out cold. He got up every single time he got knocked down.

    Ali was often better AFTER he got knocked down. That’s a scary thought.

    Point 7 – Psychology

    Psychology was a major factor for both Ali and Tyson.

    Muhammad Ali used psychology as a weapon. Mike Tyson used it as a crutch. It was hard for Tyson to defeat an opponent who didn’t fear him.

    In his documentary, Tyson flat out says the following, “I walk around the ring and never take my eyes off my opponent. I’m looking for a sign of his fear. He’ll fight hard for two or three rounds but I KNOW I broke his spirit”.

    Tyson relied on fear, but he struggled openly when boxers did not fear him.

    There was another major chink in Mike Tyson’s psychological armor. His confidence was directly tied to Cus D’amato. D’amato built up Tyson’s confidence in himself and Tyson lost a good chunk of that when D’amato died.

    You can’t escape a good debate about Mike Tyson without hearing, “if Cus D’amato didn’t die.” Nobody can deny Cus’ standing as a great trainer. However, Tyson’s admitted reliance on D’amato is a definite weak point.

    Muhammad Ali was a psychological machine. He unnerved Sonny Liston by showing up at his training camp and starting a circus. He routinely distracted opponents with pre-fight taunts, poems and jokes.

    He predicted the round in which his opponents would fall (Archie Moore in four, Powell in five). He called Joe Frazier (a man who helped bring him back into boxing) names like Uncle Tom, Flat Nose, Gorilla and Moon Cricket.

    His antics angered Frazier so much that it took over 20 years for Frazier to forgive him (even after Ali was stricken with Parkinson’s).

    There is another thing about Ali’s psychology that not many people know. His trainer Angelo Dundee actually trained against him in his fight with Jimmy Ellis. Ali overcame this obvious tactical disadvantage and beat Ellis in 12 rounds.

    Advantage - Ali

    Muhammad Ali was able to frustrate his opponents before, during and after the fight. Ali wouldn’t be afraid of Tyson and his pre-fight antics would frustrate Tyson.

    Every fighter, no matter how great he is, will eventually lose a few (except a select few like Rocky Marciano). Great fighters may appear super human but they all have a weakness.

    Mike Tyson and Muhammad Ali both had two throwaway losses at the end of their careers. Mike Tyson lost to Danny Williams and Kevin McBride well after he should have stopped boxing. Muhammad Ali lost to Larry Holmes (in a pitiful affair) and Trevor Berbick well after he should have put the gloves down.

    Ali had three legitimate losses (Ken Norton, Joe Frazier and Leon Spinks). His most famous opponent was Joe Frazier, and that makes sense because Frazier was the first man to beat Ali.

    However, Ali convincingly won in their next two fights. He won a unanimous decision in 1974 and he earned a 12th round stoppage in the “Thrilla in Manilla” in 1975.

    The boxer that gave Ali his toughest bouts was Ken Norton. Ken Norton was a heavy underdog and won his first bout with Ali in a split decision. Ali went on to defeat Ken Norton two more times.

    Ali’s decision victories over Ken Norton are among the most heavily disputed wins in boxing history.

    So why did Ali struggle so mightily with Ken Norton?

    Ken Norton fought Ali from the OUTSIDE. Norton neutralized the jab that set up most of Ali’s speedy combinations. Norton mirrored Ali’s jabs and caught Ali with well timed power “pot shots” that obliterated Ali’s rhythm. The Norton fights were the only fights in which Ali openly struggled to find a groove.

    Tyson had four legitimate losses (two to Holyfield, one to Lennox Lewis and one to Buster Douglas). All of his tormentors had similar physical characteristics.

    Buster Douglas was 6’3” with an 83” reach that gave Tyson major trouble. Douglas danced and delivered the type of shots that Ali would deliver.
    Lennox Lewis was 6’5” with an 84” reach that dominated Mike Tyson.
    Evander Holyfield was 6’2” with a 78” reach that kept Tyson at bay.
    Tyson had a 71” reach which made him most effective in close quarters. His short reach gave him trouble against tall fighters who moved and applied pressure. Ali was a tall fighter that moved and applied constant pressure.

    Advantage - Ali

    Muhammad Ali’s style was the exact style that gave Mike Tyson major trouble. He was tall, his reach was long and he kept fighters at bay with a mix of quick powerful shots. Tyson never defeated a fighter of this style who wasn’t afraid of him.

    Point 9 – Stamina/Endurance

    Tyson was a power fighter who only had 18 fights (32 percent) go past the fourth round. Tyson fans will point to his devastating punching power as the main driver behind this statistic. In his documentary, Mike Tyson provides contradictory information that no fan can deny.

    Tyson says, “I had a lung problem, that’s why my fights didn’t last long”.

    48 or 85 percent of Ali’s fights went past the fourth round with the majority of them going the distance.

    Tyson’s power and suspect lungs kept him out of long fights, but his lack of endurance was apparent in fights that went long. Tyson lost six fights; five of those losses came after the fourth round.

    When you compare the fighters from the rounds fought, perspective things get even worse for Mike. Muhammad Ali fought 56 fights and Mike Tyson fought 58 fights. Muhammad Ali fought in 541 rounds while Tyson only fought in 211 rounds. That’s an astounding 330 round difference or the equivalent of 27.5 more 12 round fights for Muhammad Ali. That experience simply can’t be discounted.

    Advantage - Ali

    Muhammad Ali was a boxer who fought to embarrass and outclass his opponents. He found weaknesses and punished opponents in the long haul.

    The case can be made that Tyson would knock Ali out but it wouldn’t hold much weight. Muhammad Ali lost five fights, four were decisions and only one was a TKO at the extreme tail end of his career. Muhammad Ali withstood punishment from heavy hitters like Joe Frazier, Archie Moore, Ken Norton, Ernie Shavers and George Foreman without being knocked out.

    It’s safe to say that Mike Tyson wouldn’t have knocked him out either.

    Conclusion/Category Breakdown

    Tyson was a physical marvel and it shows in the categories that he has over Ali. Tyson is superior to Ali in Power, Speed and Defense. These are all critical components of boxing.

    Ali was a more complete warrior than Mike Tyson. As a result he takes home six categories…Style, Chin, Heart, Psychology, Key Losses and Stamina/Endurance.

    There is also something else to note. Ali, while inferior to Tyson, was no slouch when it came to power and speed. Tyson, on the other hand, had major deficiencies in chin, heart, psychology and stamina. Any opponent who beat Ali did so in a hard fought battle that went AT LEAST 10 rounds.

    Frazier won a unanimous decision in 15 rounds.
    Ken Norton won a split decision in 12 rounds.
    Leon Spinks won a split decision in 15 rounds.
    Larry Holmes won a TKO in 10 rounds.
    Trevor Berbick won a unanimous decision in 10 rounds.
    In order for Tyson to beat Ali he’d have to take him down and take him down quick. Some of the best boxers in American history couldn’t do it and Tyson wouldn’t do it either.

    This fight would be hard fought for the first few rounds. In round five or six Ali would begin to outclass and frustrate Mike Tyson. Tyson was known to get anxious (as he was known to do) in those middle rounds and take big risks with punches. He’d connect with just enough shots to open himself up for major punishment.

    By round 10, Tyson would be clearly outclassed and looking for a way out. He’d get it in the form of a unanimous decision for Ali.

    Sorry Tyson fans, its just not in the cards.

    DOWN GOES TYSON! Written 5 May . Upvote 14 Downvote Comments 2+ Jay Magodia. As much as I like Tyson, I'm gonna go with Ali. Ali met quite a few big hitters; Foreman
    , Frazier
    , Norton
    , and came out [mostly] on top.
    Not too sure Tyson
    It would have been a great fight.
    Written 26 Jan . Upvote 3 Downvote Comment 1 Henri Kamberi , Financier 4 upvotes by Andy Lee Chaisiri, Michael Pacholek, Quora User , (more) I like this question. I would like to answer by doing a fair comparison of both, Ali and Tyson.

    Both are called champ. Both have won titles. Both have lost fights. Both were fast.

    Now I would like to say few words of Ali. He was uncompared in his times. Ali used to express his psychological skills to 'kill' the enemy before the fight took place. Ali was arrogant. He was self egoist. And I accept, this is great for a fighter for a king! He stopped joe's furiousness, the guy who wanted to "kill" Ali. Ali was good with revenges. He would never forget a lost. After he lost with joe he came to wind that fight later and to take again the title. No one forgets the lines "Ali bum aye". His fight in Africa. Ali was a perfect fighter, tall, long jabs, strong chin! He will always be the greatest.

    Besides all, Tyson was way different!

    Tyson did come as the youngest boxer to win the world title. He was a beast in the ring. He would not fear anyone, but anyone else would fear him because it was the Tyson's era rules. Tyson was not tall as Ali, so didn't use much the jabs, but he would do close style boxing. He would unleash bombs with his punches, his matches would be no longer than 3 rounds. Tyson was incredibely fast(even in slow motion he was faster than You), incredibely defensive and basically he was unbeatable especially when got his 35 wins in row until 88' with 32 K.O.
    Tyson always been an inspiration to my generation.

    Basically they do have different style. I cannot image both like who's going to win.
    (An exception)Lewis and Ali would be a perfect fight.

    My son will definitely know about both, Ali and Tyson as icons of boxing. Written 29 Jan . Upvote 4 Downvote Comment Karen Tiede , I live at the intersection of ... (more) 2 upvotes by Michael Pacholek and Quora User . Interesting. Neil deGrasse Tyson and Joe Rogan discussed this question in an interview podcast.

    The Joe Rogan Experience - StarTalk Radio Show by Neil deGrasse Tyson

    Their conclusion was that Ali would have won, had he had access to Mike Tyson's training routines. Listen for yourself. Interesting conversation. Written 29 Jan . Upvote 2 Downvote Comment Mario Bartoletti Mario Bartoletti 2 upvotes by Quora User and Rex Zhu. I agree with Dave Hogg, but I think it would be much closer. Tyson's endurance was underrated, that doesn't mean it was great, but his focus was on throwing hands which he did a lot. That takes a lot of wind.
    And he was a better fighter than people give him credit for.
    But Ali was one of the all time geniuses of the sport.
    I think it would be closer to a Sugar Ray Robinson vs. Jake LaMotta rivalry. LaMotta might walk away with a win simply because he was a good enough fighter and hit hard, fast and strong enough that he could overwhelm anyone.
    But Robinson, like Ali, was a boxing virtuoso. Both of them were incredibly versatile and could train themselves to beat anyone else's style.

    Even on the off chance Tyson wins the first fight, which is possible because he was a dangerous fighter, once Ali adapts which is possible even in the first fight as the man had a gift for in-ring improvisation as well as hard training, it would be all over. Written 26 Sep . Upvote 2 Downvote Comment Michael Pacholek 2 upvotes by Quora User and Anubhav Gupta. I like Keenen Ivory Wayans' answer: Mike Tyson couldn't beat Muhammad Ali, Mike Tyson can't SPELL Muhammad Ali! Written 23 Jun . Upvote 2 Downvote Comment 1 James Lopez , Tennis Lover The actual careers from the two practitioners ended several factors. Ali experienced spent too much time within the ring as well as was identified as having Parkinson’s illness within 1984. Tyson had been forced into pension in the earlier ‘90s if he was guilty of the afeitado associated with 18-year-old Desiree Buenos aires, spending 3 years in jail. But this individual remained boxing’s greatest draw upon their release, even though his subsequent return is chiefly kept in mind for him gnawing at away Evander Holyfield’s ear canal and losing in order to Lennox Lewis.
    This type of fight is definitely an impracticality, however the Tyson versus Ali display makes the round in our thoughts happen on the phase. Although in this instance, the actual stage is really a engagement ring, two edges of which tend to be surrounded by viewers members. Within the rules of boxing games , four various actors depict Tyson as well as Ali plus some of the competitors.

    Written 9d ago . Upvote Downvote Comment 2 Answers Collapsed Write an answer Related Questions


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  • Gregor

    WOW ! That was the cut-n-paste from hell!

  • Hairtrigger

    Sorry. Still learning how to deal with tecnology Gregor. Couldn'tseperate the chaff from the article.

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