Consider the "outcome" when elders apply the two-witness "rule"

by AndersonsInfo 105 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Vidiot

    metatron - "...they refuse to let go of their fanatical stand on two witnesses - and thereby, lawsuits against them never stop, as well as the abuse of children. However, by isolating the CO's from the Society they get away with these crimes because the CO's are utter fools and have no property in particular. The sexual abuse of children in the Organization goes on indefinitely because they have found a way to insulate themselves from the horror they have caused."

    I dunno.

    There's still a fairly solid connection of instructions from leadership to low-level management on how to proceed. If COs don't follow policy, they get removed, same as anyone else, so it's not as though they got a choice, from their POV.

    That in and of itself is pretty damning, IMO.

  • talesin

    Plaintiff John Doe I, during ages 11 to 14 endured sexual abuses: forced to perform oral sex on 3 men when he was 12 years old;

    Well, there was more than ONE abuser involved, and I believe the original article I saw (FOX news) mentioned that.

    There may be much more to this story. I'm not going to say what I am thinking, but no big surprise it is from the DFW area.


  • talesin


    The difference being, that Jehovah's Witnesses systematically cover up child rape, and molestation of every kind. They have, for many years, condemned the Catholic Church for moving its pedophiles from church to church. The WTS does the same thing with Special Pioneers and COs who are child rapists.

    Also, the WTS fails to report when it is legally mandated by the state. That is a crime - the statutes vary from country to country, and state to state, but Clergy are considered in the same light as Teachers - they are obligated to report.

    Pedophiles (even convicted ones who are deemed 'repentant' by a body of elders) are permitted to go from door-to-door, representing themselves as Jehovah's Witnesses. Members of the congregations are NOT warned that a pedophile has close access to their children. Indeed, if YOUR child is raped, and there are not two witnesses, YOU can be disfellowshipped for warning other parents and thereby slandering the Brother or Sister who offended them, as far as Jehovah's Organization is concerned.

    It's a CULT!


  • AndersonsInfo

    I found a statement written by Attorney, Victor V. Blackwell, a one-time Watchtower attorney from long ago to be very interesting. He actually goes back to the "Rutherford" era, meeting Rutherford a year before "the judge" died in 1942. It was Rutherford who encouraged Blackwell to go to law school.

    Blackwell said the following statement back in 1977 about "agents" of the Society:

    "It is the unanimous opinion of all Jehovah's Witnesses who are lawyers, and I have talked to most of them, that the elders, committees, District Overseers and Circuit Overseers, all are agents of the Society. They are appointed by the Society directly, and act under its supervision and instruction. All the procedures, or lack of them, are provided by the Society. Their conduct becomes the conduct of the Society, for which it is responsible."

    Blackwell wrote the book, O'ER THE RAMPARTS THEY WATCHED, published in 1976. He was globally-known counsel and trial lawyer for Jehovah's Witnesses.

  • talesin

    Very interesting! At this point, it's a purely legalistic battle (there is no question in any reasonable person's mind, that they are morally wrong), and the Society's own counsel may have been a predictor of things to come. This is ironic, since the disfellowshipping is (or was, back in the 70s) for 'bringing reproach on Jehovah's name'. The WTS certainly got a good spanking for bringing reproach on Jehovah's name in the Conti case - let's hope it continues.


  • metatron


    In this, I would be ABSOLUTELY pleased to be wrong.

    However, if the Society cannot escape liability by making the CO's absolute monarchs then I must wonder about the motive behind the change.

    By default, I would be driven to think that this change happened to solidify the Watchtower's brand of financial malfeasance - in which they appoint or delete elders in order to steal Kingdom Halls and sell them off - to enrich themselves.

    Thanks again,


  • metatron

    Allow me to bring up another possibility: does this issue tell us something about the Governing Body?

    Now, the Organization has done many cold, mercenary things for money or protection from liability. Such repellent moves (such as cruelly dumping long term Bethelites into the worst labor market in 60 years) might make us think that the GB are utter cynics, lacking any real faith and having no fixed beliefs.

    However, I see no practical benefit in their adherence to this stupid idea. It encourages lawsuits, legal trouble and very bad press.

    How can it be anything except evidence of a sick, fanatical mindset - as blind and thoughtlessly cruel as their own followers?

    I would have preferred that they were just cynics. Cynics can be reasoned with.


  • Balaamsass2

    Interesting to me...what is what is the MOTIVE ? The Governing Body does not invoke the bulk of the Ancient Laws...why this one? If someone is causing a mere disturbance at the Hall the POLICE are called...the attendants don't draw swords. Sinners are not stoned. Slaves are not sold.

    WHY the big investment (700k-ONE MILLION per case) in protecting Child rapists? THINK ABOUT IT.

    WHY was homosexuality & anal sex not considered "intercourse"OR Porneia and grounds for divorce for so many years by KNORR and the governing body?

    How did a homosexual and a child molester move up the JW ranks to the 1.0 GOVERNING BODY of Jehovah's Witnesses??

    Think about it...... WHO are the ONLY people who are FOR Child molesting??

  • talesin

    BA, I have some answers, but have been threatened in the past to keep my mouth shut. There have been others on the board who know what i'm thinking of, but hell, I would never bring it up here. First off, few would believe me, and second, I want to be left alone by my former abusers.

    "Those who talk, will have their mouths shut for them."

    PS, the threats had NOTHING to do with JWN. They were made in person, and locally. You seem to have been well-connected in the b'Org, and perhaps you know what I am alluding to. If not, that's okay as well.



  • Balaamsass2


    I can imagine.

    Everyday JW males are passed over for "promotion" for some ridiculous reasons. Poor dressers, cranky, "not serious minded", yet the desk (Governing body appointees) push through the re-appointment of men who are NOT "free from accusation" by MULTIPLE parties of Child Abuse! A pattern that has gone on for 50+ years. WHY????? Watchtower ( some of the cheapest people on the planet) gladly pay out Millions in "Hush Money" yearly because of this. WHAT IS WRONG WITH THIS DARK PICTURE?????????

    How have some men who have dark pasts and accusations been promoted through the ranks to the very top? HOLY SPIRIT?? I think not.

    Who is REALLY behind the curtain?

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