Not on : Update: FOUR Connecticut Jehovah's Witnesses sex abuse victims sue Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

by Balaamsass2 37 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • talesin

    The filing reads that “Afanador would enter the plaintiff’s room in the middle of the night and would begin kissing her legs and thighs. He would then proceed to perform oral sex on the Plaintiff as well as digitally penetrate the Plaintiff.”

    The plaintiff was 8 years old at the time. The filing reads that the conduct…”occurred on an almost nightly basis for approximately one year.”

    That plaintiff may never heal, the BASTARD! I could, without compunction, cheerfully horsewhip such scum of the earth, until his flesh was hanging in ribbons,.

    I guess the statutes of limitations in CT are of the ice-age sort, or he would be criminally charged. I love to hear about these guys actually going to prison. Then, they get to experience the same fear as their victims - fear of being raped, and no escape.

    Here's hoping the WTS gets nailed again. Hit them where it hurts - in their bank accounts.


  • smiddy

    It seems to be a never ending story with new allegations of child sex abuse arising every so often within the Jehovah`s Witness religion .

    While it is understandable the victims and their familys want these trials to be over and done with in the shortest possible time , theirby accepting a settlement with a gag order attached , sadly that doesnt help future victims , nor does it solve the cause of the problem. The 2 witness rule. An archaic rule that has no place in this 21st century , and certainly not with this crime against children.

    Candace Conti so far has stood her ground for not accepting a settlement with a gag order , I would hope that many more would follow her lead and not play by their WTB&TS rules . It may take longer but only then will true justice be done.


  • flipper

    BTTT, people need to know

  • Deceived

    This is horrible, I will post it on Facebook.

  • BU2B

    The cases are starting to pile up. Now we see the reason the GB is disconnecting itself from local congregations, leaving things in the hands of the CO, and getting rid of the DO.


    It's difficult to prosecute a theological construct that does not exist. Someday, an outstanding judge will call BS on the WTBTS. I hope I see it unfold.


  • Vidiot

    designs - "Sounds like more real estate will be sold off and more ATM machines installed in KHs...."

    There's an irony.


    They condemn the churches of "Christendom"...

    ...but have an endemic child abuse problem, just like many churches of "Christendom"...

    ...and in trying to forestall the financial consequences of the problem, they dabble increasingly in real estate, electronic donations, the internet, and TV...


    ... just like many churches of "Christendom".

  • Slidin Fast
    Slidin Fast

    Now we see the reason the GB is disconnecting itself from local congregations, leaving things in the hands of the CO, and getting rid of the DO.

    It really doesn't matter how much they try and separate themselves from the local congregations, the connection is still there. JW.Org is a direct link through which the GB speak directly to the congs. The elders and COs are controlled directly by micro-managing instuctions leading right back to the GB. Unless they give the congregations real self-determination it will be ever thus. They can't help it they are a high control organization who have to pull the strings. Every WT article, every assembly item is evidence to that effect.

  • Phizzy

    Good points Slidin', I can see them trying to hang on to the $$$ they love to hug to themselves by saying plaintiffs can only sue the local Congrgation at the most, but that tactic will be easily demolished in Court.

    Their problem in this regard will be on-going too, until they properly institute measures that make abuse impossible to happen in their empire.

    Such measures are not expensive or difficult, so their intransigence in the face of many calls to put them in place is deeply suspiciuos.

  • awakenyr2004

    Oh but Jehovah is cleaning up his organization! Haven't you heard that elders are to "immediately report child abuse" to law enforcement. That's what my mom told me recently.

    Give me a freakin break, lady. That is what I was saying in my head. I just saw a news report posted on facebook about the dubs selling off all their bldgs for about a billion dollars. Ever hear the phrases ... "connect the dots" "follow the money". Nope! Instead they buy into the lies. They've outgrown their bldgs. Really!!! Outgrown??? It's pathetic! Such sad wasted lives!

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