Judge Rutherford did not know he was under the New Covenant in... 1929

by objectivetruth 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • prologos

    Just looking at the issues:

    The law covenant was with all israel, even applied to The accepted Alien resident, all 12-13 tribes, but there was the covenant with the Levites, the Covenant with David. Priests & Kings.Since

    The New Covenant has as one of its terms the "Fogiveness of sins" (not remembering them), it follows, all followers of Christ, all of the 'Israel of God' are in that all embracing New Covenant.

    A smaller group would be in the Kingdom covenant and rule as Priests with Christ for a thousand years.

    That is why there were partakers before there ever was an "anointing" of 120 out of perhaps 500.

    Just looking at the issues, because if there was no talking snake, no sin to forgive and only the rule is left.

  • designs

    Isn't it amazing how the voices of women were supressed in Christianity, the suppossedly liberating religion. Those that developed "New Covenant" Theology were much against women's liberation. NCT forces a person to accept the Adam and Eve story, the genesis of women's oppression. It fit Rutheford's world view to a tee as it did among the Evangelicals.

  • Perry

    There may be other covenants spoken of in the bible, but the only one that totally secures freedom from condemnation is THE New Covenant.

    People who are forgiven, are said to be born again.

    Rom. 8:9 says that "if anyone have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his."

    John 14:17, "for he dwells with you, and shall be in you." - speakng of the essence of God personified as the Holy Spirit

    He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life. - 1 John 5: 12

    There is only one access to Jesus and to "life" ...and that is the blood covenant, aka the new covenant.

    The path and hope for humans isn't found in some creed, ideology or belief system, ultimate truth isn't revealed in a stand-alone context, and life cannot be attained by any means aside from the new covenant. " In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins" - Eph 1: 7

    Thomas once inquired as much when he asked: 'how can we know the way? 6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.'

  • designs

    The problem with your theory, Perry, is it requires a person to accept the Adam and Eve story as literal, that is the heart and soul of NCT and its adherents.

    The Paleolithic era, our direct ancestors, started 2.5 million years ago. Sort of shoots you and Freddie Franz in the foot doesn't it.....

  • designs

    Rutherford and Franz reverted to their Protestant origins, Rutherford the Baptist and Franz the Presbyterian.

    The hubris was spectacular- Jews no longer counted, their Law had been abrogated by a bunch of Protestants in an imaginary celestial court- ex fiat.

  • designs

    Why New Covenant theology was so dangerous- "perfidis Judaeis" the Perfidy of the Jews (1Cor.3:13-16). Since very early in Christianity (Jesus condemning Jews and abrogating the Torah) millions of Jews met their deaths as the "Christ killers" as good ol Paul would refer to them as.

    Evangelicals and groups like the JWs under Rutherford and Franz would further this antisemitism. The only good Jew was a converted Jew.

  • SonoftheTrinity

    Yes designs but Christian Zionism is the other extreme which puts the ideology of Zionism before the human rights of Palestinians, including Christian Palestinians. Christians need to be balanced in these matters as since God is not partial, neither should his people.

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