Judge Rutherford did not know he was under the New Covenant in... 1929

by objectivetruth 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • objectivetruth

    The New Covenant is the Single Most Important, claim to Fame that Jehovah's Witnesses (The Governing Body) have. In the 2014 Watchtower 10/15 "You will become a Kingdom of Priests" the Watchtower says the Following :

    (Bullet Points are My Comments)

    "By means of the new covenant, both Jews and uncircumcised Gentiles would have an equal opportunity to be heirs of God’s Kingdom, because their “circumcision is that of the heart by spirit and not by a written code.” (Romans 2:29) God would put his laws in their mind and in their hearts. (Hebrews 8:10) The new covenant includes 144,000 anointed ones. They make up a new nation that is called “the Israel of God,” or spiritual Israel." - End Quote

    • In this article the Watchtower is claiming that Jews and Gentiles have an Equal Oppurtunity to be Heirs of God's Kingdom. These know that they are heirs once their heart is Circumsised. The 144,000 is under the New Covenant.

    In another Watchtower 2014 11/15 "Now you are God's People" States the Following :

    "ON Pentecost of the year 33, Jehovah made a historic change. He created a new nation called “the Israel of God,” or spiritual Israel. (Galatians 6:16) Jehovah used his holy spirit to select the individual members of this nation."

    "The first members of God’s new nation were the apostles and over a hundred other disciples of Christ who had met together in an upper room in Jerusalem. God poured out holy spirit on them, and they became sons of God." Par 11 “The conclusion of the system of things” began in 1914. At that time, there were only a few thousand anointed Christians on earth. During the war that began that year, these anointed “sons of the Kingdom” were still in captivity to Babylon the Great. But in 1919, Jehovah freed them, and the difference between these true Christians and false Christians became very clear." - End Quote

    • The First Members of the New Covenant were able to Perform Miracles, and they Instantly Understood that they had been anointed as soon as the Holy Spirit came upon them. This Transformation was so Clear and Undeniable the Disciples would ask one another "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?" he asked them. "No," they replied, "we haven't even heard that there is a Holy Spirit." Acts 19:2 - This Baptism by Holy Spirit is a Covenant and Once you're Under it YOU KNOW.

    There were Thousands of Witnesses in 1929, supposedly all of them were members of the New Covenant.

    With the Above Facts and Watchtower Quotes in Mind, Consider some statements made by J.F. Rutheford in the Year 1929.

    "it is "with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah", that is to say, with those who are Jews because of being natural descendants of Israel and Judah, and who have faith in the promises which God made to the effect that through the house of Judah should the great Deliverer come; these are the ones with whom God will make the covenant. (Life Page 187 Published by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society)" - End Quote

    • To Summarize this Quote : Natural Jew's who are Fleshly Descendant's of Israel & Judah, who Worship God, Will Be (In The Future) under the New Covenant.
    • The Antithesis Summary : Gentiles (Non Fleshly Descendants of Israel and Judah) are not Under the New Covenant Now, nor will they be in the Future.

    The Signifigance of this statement is that J.F. Rutherford did not Recognize that he or any other Jehovah's Witness was under the New Covenant, a Full TEN YEARS after it was supposedly bestowed upon the Governing Body (Faithful & Discreet Slave). Not only did they not Recognize they were Under it, they did not anticipate ever being under it.. Compare this to the Instantaneous Aknowledgement by the Jews mentioned in the New Testament.

    If J.F. Rutherford and his fellow Watchtower Companions were the Individuals being questioned at Acts 19:2 the scripture would have read this way :

    "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?" he asked them. "No," (Rutherford Speaking for them) replied," Acts 19:2

    God's Covenant is not so weak and insignifigant that, someone would not know for at least ten years that they were under it. This is the New Covenant Here :

    Jeremiah 31:33-34

    33. For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the LORD : I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 34. And no longer shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, ‘Know the LORD ,’ for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the LORD . For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.”

    Rutherford was Correct in stating that the New Covenant is for a Future time, but Unfortunately the Light Got Much Dimmer for his Organization.

  • designs

    Objective- Are you familar with the beliefs of the Bible Students.

  • objectivetruth

    Designs - Yes I am, current and past. Why do you ask?

  • designs

    New Covenant, how do the Bible Students view it vs the JWs.

  • objectivetruth

    They hold the same view today, as Rutherford published in 1929.

    Bible Students Teach : The New Covenant is for Natural Jews, and the New Covenant will begin once the Regathering of Literal Israel is Complete, and the Messiah has come.

    Witnesses Now Teach : The New Covenant has been in place since 33 CE and all Humans regardless of Background are eligible to be in it. Since 1914 The only Individuals who have been "Chosen" to be in the New Covenant have been Jehovah's Witnesses.

    From one of the Bible Students current websites :

    " Through the Prophet Ezekiel the Lord again made mention of the fact that their Law Covenant made at Sinai must, before their great blessing of restitution , give place to a New Covenant, a better covenant. Speaking of the time when He would regather them out of all lands and would fulfill to them the promise made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and make them a great nation, and use them for the blessing of other nations, the Lord declares, "I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for mine holy name's sake." He then tells them that at the time He would receive them back into His love and favor He would gather them out of all countries and bring them into their own land. He would also purify them, take away their stony heart, and give them a new heart, and make their desolate land like the garden of Eden ( Ezek. 36: 22-38 )."

    From - http://www.biblestandard.com/jewish-hopes-2.html

    (Interestingly the Watchtower (Rutherford) Published a Book entitled "Jewish Hopes", the same as this Link is called.)

    Another Useful QUote from the same page :

    " Our text is from another prophecy speaking of this same great Messiah, the Mediator of the New Covenant, King of kings and Lord of lords, who, as the Representative of the great Jehovah, His Father, is to reign until all enemies shall be put down—until Satan shall be bound and ultimately crushed; until Adam and his race, released from the Divine sentence, under the New Covenant provisions shall be uplifted from sin, degradation and death to perfection and everlasting life—the unwilling and disobedient being destroyed in the Second Death. The Prophet Malachi points out that the Messiah of the New Covenant, whom he announces, is the glorious Mediator and antitypical King for whom they had waited so long, and of whom they delighted to think. He would come to the Temple—thus implying that He would be not only an antitypical Prophet, an antitypical King, but also an antitypical Priest—"after the order of Melchizedek" ( Psa. 110: 4 ; Zech. 6: 12 , 13 )."

  • designs

    Good, so its just a matter of interpretation, interpretation(s) that has split Chistianity into over 1500 Denominations. Its hardly a salvation issue then.


    It's amazing how religions constantly obsess about The Bible instead of focusing on the PRESENT world and finding solutions to real problems. The only REAL life we ever have is in this present moment. The past is gone, the future isn't here yet. The next time you hear a JW or a Bible Student debating some obscure Biblical doctrine, ask yourself: Are they living in the real world of today, AS IT IS??? Or they worrying about words penned 2000+ years ago in a book written by men of that long-ago era? The only time we actually have is NOW. Live your life to the fullest and aim to help solve today's problems. The past and the future can take care of themselves. Come up to Present Time.

  • objectivetruth

    Navytown - I agree that we must live in the Here and Now, and It's absurd to abandon care and neglect this life just because of a Hope of a Future Reward (Heaven / Paradise). But Why is it necessary to choose one or the other, why can't we live for today, in preperation for tomorrow, and while not abandoning hope?

    "Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning." - Einstein

  • Crazyguy

    Can you give more details on this pulication where the quote came from?? (Life Page 187 Published by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society)" - End Quote

  • Perry

    With the Above Facts and Watchtower Quotes in Mind, Consider some statements made by J.F. Rutheford in the Year 1929.

    "it is "with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah", that is to say, with those who are Jews because of being natural descendants of Israel and Judah, and who have faith in the promises which God made to the effect that through the house of Judah should the great Deliverer come; these are the ones with whom God will make the covenant. (Life Page 187 Published by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society)" - End Quote

    Very Interesting. So, Let me get this straight. In 1929 to be a Jehovah's Witness (aka bible student) you were "encouraged" to reject the New Covenant "for the forgivenes of sins" and disobey Jesus command here:

    Drink out of it, all of you, for this means my ‘blood of the covenant,’ which is to be poured out in behalf of many for forgiveness of sins - Mt. 26:27

    And, the reason given was that the New Covenant was only for the natural descendants of Israel. So, this is how they created the "great crowd" of non-partakers. I always wondered about how they socialized that into the organization before it was a formal doctrine. Fascinating.

    And then later, when the anonymous Watchtower writers said that the New Covenant was limited to only 144,000, you still could not get your sins forgiven through the New Covenant because all the positions had already been filled!

    Amazing. So for the average JW, there really was NEVER a time that a person could get their sins forgiven through the contractural blood payment that is offered to "whosoever" in the New Covenant gospel..... at least since the time of Rutherford.

    Thanks for pointing this out.

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