Would you convert to a religion for love?

by new hope and happiness 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    I am sure people convery to a religion to find peace and spiritual awakening. I also bet many convert simply for love.

    Would you to assist " true love" if it required converting to a particular faith?

    Do you know anyone personally or famouse that has?

  • millie210

    A lot of marriages amongst royalty required this in days gone by.

    I guess that was because the "church" and politics were so interwoven.

    Today, most religions allow for nominal members.

    If I loved someone who wanted me to have nominal membership I might do it.

    But they would have to be very nominal themselves.

    But that is because I now believe that all religions are basically alike and serve the same function in society.

    The trick is to steer clear of famaticism or control by religion.

    People should use religion not let religion use them.

    At least that is what the smart folks appear to be doing.

    It would have to be someone who felt that way about religion for me to even consider conversion.

  • Gustv Cintrn
    Gustv Cintrn


    Religion is such a big part that defines and forms somebody that leaves me confused about how can a person find 'true love' in somebody that is so different from one's formation?!

    This is what makes perfect sense to me when the Bible states not to "yoked together with unbelievers"; which relationship-worthy common ground can you find with someone whose life in many regards is completely different/opposed to one's core beliefs?

    Here in the States it seems that the vast majority of people live life drowned from one holiday to the next, with birthdays in between; so, what similarity can one find to become attracted? Of course, unless one is ready to trade identity and assimilate the other person's. Then it's totally possible this 'true love', but even then there will be friction if one has been indoctrinated differently.

    It's always best for true love's sake to find somebody that holds the most common ground with oneself. And even then there'll be plenty of issues to work out.


  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    I tend to agree Gustv Cintrin. ( but then you are talking romantic love)

    Now what about love for your child and education? Now let's assume of 3 schools two have a bad reputation, the other a " Catholic" school is a fantastic success both accademically and in sport. Also unlike the other schools it does not have a history of bullying.

    Would you consider converting to the catholic faith, if this was a requirement for your child attendong the better school?

  • LV101

    I know of a couple of witnesses who converted for love but somehow they jumped in all the way. Actually, I personally know 3.

    newhopeandhappiness - I relate to having considered converting to the catholic faith re their education program/reputation. At the time I was not affiliated with any religion and admired/appreciated what their schools offered. Know several people who attended the catholic schools in their younger yrs. and the bonding/friendships are so admirable. Fortunately, there were a couple of other alternatives even catholics applied/aspired to enroll their children (major driving, zone variances and costly) available non-religious.

    Too bad I didn't keep my 'non-religious' head on straight and fell for the JW cult.

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    Yes Lv101. My sister married a catholic man, and ok they were religiouse, but they did attend Catholic services, so the twins could get in to the Catholic school.

    As a j.Ws i think it is a very seriouse responsibility trying to convert Muslims to become baptised Jehovers Witnesses.

    Anyone have any exsperience of the above?


    To me it seems the basic problem with all religions is the belief that THEIR RELIGION has all the answers to Living and Dying. In order to 'belong' to a particular religion a person has to adopt that religion's practices and dogma. My 'perfect' religion would be one that DOESN'T claim to have the 'Truth' and have all things figured out. With that perspectiive, each person in a relationship can hold whatever beliefs they choose, and allow the other party to believe however they choose. Who says a couple both have to adopt identical answers to Life? "Belief' is strictly a personal matter existing within each person's brain. You can 'love' a person for who they are in real life.....what they 'believe' doesn't have to be a barrier unless one partner makes an issue of iit.

  • AlwaysBusy

    For myself...No Way! I wouldn't convert for the love of the hottest, richest man on earth. NO WAY! I know many others who have.

  • 3rdgen

    No, I would not convert for love. Why? because love is a 2 way street. If he truely loved me he would not insist I do something against my beliefs. I would however be glad to occationally attend his religious services as a moral support the same way I would expect him to attend events I choose.

  • goingthruthemotions

    I did, when i meet my wife i was catholic, never really was a strong catholic. She was born in, but never go involved or baptized util much later in life when i though. hey I GOT a great idea...lets get more spiritual........I studied off and on for many many years. in 2008 i decided we needed spirtuality in our family. she would not explore the catholic church...so i was like ok....like i said i never believed the catholic church fully. i asked her

    if she wanted to go to main stream christianity and she said no....i was like well lets check out the dubs. started another study and things were going ok. we got baptized a couple of years later, was made an MS a year later....I learned TTATT in Nov 2013 and from that point on I realized I joined a cult.

    now, it is pure struggle to go to the meetings or on service . our older son thinks the JW's are full of it and our younger son is realizing it also. they both hate going to out in service and the meetings. i also don't push them either.

    this cult has really strained my marriage, and ultimately it will be the destruction of it. I don't know how much longer I could take of it. and the worst part is....she is so asleep to TTATT.



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