by deddaisy 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • deddaisy

    This is addressed to the JW lurkers.....according to my brother, who is a devout JW, no "good" Witness would be found on this site....but since he's a JW, we'll assume he's naive......

    Dear Jehovah's Witness:
    My family, whom I love, is comprised of Jehovah's Witnesses. I was never baptised, as anything, but attended meetings for years, until I turned eighteen. I continued to believe that the Witnesses were "right," but I could not phantom living forever on earth with the Witnesses, and this "God," that would kill people because they weren't JW's.
    I, traveled from California to New York, meeting all types of people, often meeting those that would comment on the JW's and how much they "despised" them. I couldn't understand this, because I, as much as I disagreed with JW's, still viewed them as sincere, harmless people. Actually, I was a bit defensive of the JW's and my relatives...
    I want you to know, that in the last ten years of my father's life, he fought unsucessfully, as a da'ed Witness, to save his children from the WTS. I, being neutral, didn't pay much attention when he would tell me how my beautiful sister was "brainwashed." I was told how he, as an apostate, may be "demonized."
    I'm sure that you know, so I won't go into, how his JW friends of twenty years wouldn't go to his memorial, how HIS, a da'ed JW, memorial service turned into a commercial for the "new world and everything peachy keen about JWism."
    This, as bad as it was, still didn't make me despise you, the JW.

    I finally tired of your false arrogance, last year, as I, the non JW family member, dined with you, the JW.
    You were speaking about the C.O.'s talk, how my brother commented on something the C.O. had said. You then went into how the C.O. relayed, in his talk, how these sisters were in field service with one of the sister's little boy. At one house they became quite caught up in speaking to a woman who was working in her flower garden. About fifteen minutes had passed and the sisters were STILL talking to this woman. FINALLY, the little boy went up to the lady working in the flower garden and said,
    "Look lady, you go to the Kingdom Hall and you live, if you don't, you die."
    At this point, all of you, the JW ladies at the table began to laugh. The "sister" relaying the story couldn't "get over" how smart the little boy was and how "it takes a kid to get to the point."

    I must tell you, I also think that the comment by this "brillant" little JW boy was just "dandy..."

    It was as if I was listening to a little Nazi boy in 1944......
    I have heard remarks similar to this made by JW adults through the years, but a CHILD making a remark like this?!!!!

    What is this child being indoctrinated with?

    What is wrong with you people that you don't hear what this child is saying about what he's being taught?

    This was a C.O. that relayed this story, IN A TALK, and your brothers and sisters did not find it tragic, but LAUGHED.......

    I ask you again, what is the difference between this comment and a comment a little boy indoctrinated by the Nazi regime would make?

    why is it that you don't even hear WHAT you are SAYING?

  • COMF

    Do you believe that you are the only ones who will be saved?


    From the FAQ on the "Authorized Site of the Office of Public Information of Jehovah's Witnesses".


    Perplext no more with Human or Divine,
    To-morrow's tangle to the winds resign,
    And lose your fingers in the tresses of
    The cypress-slender Minister of Wine.

  • D8TA


    "Do you shun former members?

    Those who simply cease to be involved in the faith are not shunned. In compliance with the Scriptures, however, members can be expelled for serious unchristian conduct, such as stealing, drunkenness, or adultery, if they do not repent and cease such actions. Disfellowshipping DOES NOT SEVER family ties. Disfellowshipped members may continue to attend religious services, and if they wish, they may receive pastoral visits. They are always welcome to return to the faith.—1 Corinthians 5:11-13."

    Disfellowshipping DOES NOT SEVER family ties.
    Semantics? Or a lie?

    I say: If there was ever a lie in the history of print on page (hell, chizel on stone even!), this one takes the cake.


  • DakotaRed

    Sadly, it is a byproduct of brainwashing and high control. Call it co-dependency, if it you will. It is much like when I was in teh Army during the height of Vietnam. ALl during BAsic Training, all we heard was derogatory statements against the Vietnamese, calling them gooks, worthy of death, needing to die, you name it. By the time we arrived in Vietnam, they were no longer humans, but just some vermin that needed to die.

    The dubs do the exact same thing. NOthing good is ever said about other groups or people. All along, all you hear is how they are going to die, be slaughtered, worthy of death, not worthy of God's protection, and such. Only dubs are worthy and they will do naything to protect that image, except change for the better.

    We 'postates are even less worthy of life than those who simply ignore and never listen to the dubs. According to them, that is. They are indeed taught hate and are so brainwashed, they think hateful acts are love. Treat loved ones like dirt, it is the loving thing to do. In reality, all it is designed to do is stress the person out so much that they return to high control of the cult and do the Watchtower bidding.

    As sick as it is, it doesn't surprise me that a 5 year old says that and then is patted on the back for it. It is just early stages of brainwashing. That the child will grow up confused and never have a normal happy childhood doesn't even matter. Just keep him under control of the group.

    Training Children to Listen

    Christian parents can help their children--even infants--to become
    “wise for salvation” by bringing them to congregation meetings, assemblies, and conventions. (2 Tim. 3:15) Since children vary in disposition and attention span, discernment is needed to help them learn to listen attentively. You may find the following suggestions to be helpful.

    . At home, arrange times for your young Children to sit quietly and read or look at the pictures in our Christian publications. At the meetings, avoid using toys to keep young ones occupied. As was true in ancient Israel, so today young ones are present “in order that they may listen and in order that they may learn” (Deut. 31:12) Where practical, some parents provide even very young children with personal copies of the publications being considered. As children get a little older, help them prepare to have a share in programs that call for audience participation.

    The Scriptures reveal a close link between listening to Jehovah and: obeying him. This can be seen in Moses words to the nation of Israel: “I have put life and death before you, the blessing and the malediction; and you must choose life . . by loving Jehovah your God, by listening to his voice and by sticking to him.” (Deut. 30: Today, listening to the Instruction Jehovah provides and obediently applying it in our lives are essential to gaining God's approval and the blessing of everlasting life. How vital, then, that we heed Jesus' admonition: 'Pay attention to how you listen”! Luke 8:18.

    Benefit From Theocratic Ministry School Education, Pg 16

    There is how parents are instructed in brainwashing. I feel so sorry for all those poor children.
  • crawdad2

    they can't hear what they are saying!
    they are under some sort of spell,...
    it won't go in...

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Isn't this 'practice' contrary to Jesus words, 'Love your enemy in word in and in deed?' Is telling someone they will die 'loving?'

    Guest 77

  • Pathofthorns

    The honest answers to many things JWs hide are within their children. I think most JW parents would say that "it is up to Jehovah" and "we do not judge" as to who dies at armageddon. But if you ask their children who would be destroyed at Armageddon or what would happen if they stopped going to meetings and Armageddon came, you would get a much more honest answer revealing what they really have been taught to believe.

    The death and destruction of most of humanity is what JW children are taught from infancy. Unfortunately most children cannot even grasp the horror of the things they are learning and they grow up to be adults who talk about such things without it truly making a mental impact on them.

    What JWs believe makes the 9/11 disaster look insignificant. You also have to wonder is love driving them to do what they do, or is there not a good measure of fear and guilt?


  • ItsJustlittleoldme

    "Do you believe that you are the only ones who will be saved?"

    COMF Said "No."


    In that case, there is no reason for me to study with the JW's, as I have as great a shot as JW's of being saved, is this correct?

  • Francois

    Apostates serve the same purpose to the JWs as the Jews served to the Nazis. As pointed out in "The True Believer" (Eric Hoffer), hate is one of the glues that holds a cult together. Everyone gets together and hates the same thing, in this case apostates. It gives the cultist a sense of belonging and of relationship to others who hate the same things. In "1984" there was a time set aside each day for a "group hate" and it was, again, a glue.

    "Worldly" people are also objects of JW group hate. Far from "loving" worldly people, JWs regard them with the same loathing as they do apostates. And preaching to these people they hate allows them to feel superior to the hated. It's all so elementary.

    So, no, they don't realize what they're doing. In order for a person to get a grasp on such things, he or she must be able to step back and look at what's going on from an objective perspective. JWs fully inculcated into the cult can no longer get this kind of perspective. Thus it comes naturally to de-humanize the object of their hatred. If they could throw us into a blast furnace, it would stir nothing in their conscience. Apostates aren't human anyway. They would be doing God's work.

    And this is just why they can rationalize protecting pedophiles, and excusing any and all other behaviors - especially when it involves apostates and worldly people.

    And this is just why Jehovah's Witnesses and all other such cults must, MUST, be exposed and if possible obliterated.


  • Perry

    If a prominent scientific institution, say JPL issued a warning that an asteroid would hit earth and everyone needed to get to various shelters for training on how to survive for a year or so, then yes, such frantic conditioning of children and neighbors would be substiated.

    Because, all the scientists are accountable to each other and it's an open social and professional network among them, then there is reason to take heed of their warning. Anyone claiming a falsity would be publically dsiscredited as a nut case or a fraud.

    However, Christ gave specific instructions to not worry about the day and the hour. He advised his apostles to leave people alone who were Christians, although they did not "follow", or were unknown to the apostles. His advice was to display the fruitages of the spirit in their lives, don't judge the salvation of others and have faith in his sacrifice. His message was liberating and centered on life not death. Pretty simple.

    Not only has the society focused on death as their central unifying theme, but they have also blown any shred of credibility because the leadership is a closed brotherhood, accountable to no one but themselves. They make one huge blunder after another costing the lives of thousands of people, then blame Jehovah because after all, "it must be Jehovah's will because we are his people".

    One only has to ask themself, what other organization in the world would publish supposedly important information anomyously? Personal accountability is a powerful force against "group think" and institutionalization of "truth".

    The child you spoke of will grow up with both a superiority complex and an inferiority complex. He will feel superior because he's convinced all his neighbors will be killed but he and his friends will help rule the world. He will feel inferior because he will never measure up to all the rules and edicts of the WT. They will always have him hopping from one doctrine to the next in a vain attempt to feel wanted and worthy. They have stolen his humanity.

    He will find no peace with such a world view. Without serious re-conditioning, his only hope for psychological stasis is to support the WT delusions, ignore the deaths of innocent men, women and children, and judge and condemn his neighbors. In other words, live a life of open rebellion against the one he claims to have faith in...Christ.

    Folks, these people are fighting for their psychological lives. It is WT leadership who are the ones that are truly responsible.

    For one rare moment, their place of rest under the mighty United States constitution will be disturbed and their web of unaccountability will be torn. They will fulfill the words of Isiah: "the couch will prove too short and the sheets too narrow"

    The self-styled revealers of bible prophecy will see it unfold before their very eyes .... tonight on NBC Dateline.

    Don't mis it.

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