Interpolated portions of the Bible are responsible for JW mistakes and arrogance

by exWTslave 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • exWTslave

    Bible is a mixture of truth and untruth. (Jeremiah 7:22; 8:8; Act 20:28-30) Everything that falls in harmony with our experience is truth. For example, every action has equal and opposite reaction. (Galatians 6:7) This principle works like death which is sure to occur yet we do not know WHEN, WHERE and HOW! This principle is something God too respects hence will not violate at any circumstances as His very highlight is “order.” (Romans 16:20; 1 Corinthians 14:33)

    Hence all incidents and concepts contrary to Galatians 6:7, found in the Bible, are interpolations. To mention a few:

    1) David is given mild punishment for adultery and murder where as a man who went to gather firewood on Sabbath is given death penalty. (Numbers 15:32-36) (Such a harsh punishment doesn't seem necessary as Jesus declared: “The Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath.” - Mark 2:23-27)

    2) Once come into power, one can become arrogant like King Solomon and can take 100s of wives and concubines …. who is praised in the later writings!

    3) Satan accused Job FOR NO REASON, and thus brought untold sufferings on him only to prove himself a liar and sadist—yet after all the drama Satan was left unpunished!

    4) Through one man all became sinners and through another man all would be forgiven! (God forgives only sins committed unknowingly, not other sins—Hebrews 10:26)

    Not realizing the interpolations, JWs built their empire on sand. Bible’s interpolated accounts made them audacious to formulate teachings even when they know it is false. For example, their teaching about the year 1914. They know that Jews should know more correctly than anyone else the year of their own captivity. Jewish Ecyclopedia says it happened in 586 BCE. ( Hence 586 + 2520 = 1935 CE! Yet JWs wanted a wrong date 607 BCE to link the start of Last Days to a spectacular year (607 BCE + 2520 = 1914 CE). However, Jesus himself contradicts JWs here: “When you see Jerusalem being surrounded by armies” (which happened during 66-70 CE), and …. “Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.” (Luke 21:20-24) They say Gentile Times are of 2520 years, and ended in 1914 CE. Yet none of their flock asks: Isn’t 70 + 2520 years = 2590 CE?

    This explains why JWs have got most of their teachings unacceptable to the thinking minds!


    In my opinion, all of that is total nonsense, whether from JWs or other sources. Why continue to obsess about things written in some 2000+ year-old book of fables? There is absolutely no concrete proof that God, Jesus, Jehovah, Heaven or Hell even exist. There is no proof that ANYONE has ever survived the experience of physical Death. The way I see it, we have only ONE life, the life we are currently living. Nobody can know the future. So why worry about what may or may not happen. Live your life to the fullest NOW, and try to be as happy and fulfilled as possible. After we die, it is most likely THE END. So what???

  • Phizzy

    I don't know where this succinct quote comes from, but it is a good way of saying exactly what you have navytown, I love it .

    " You should live your life and try to make the world a better place for your being in it, whether or not you believe in god.

    If there is no god, you have lost nothing and will be remembered fondly by those you left behind.

    If there is a benevolent god, he will judge you on your merits and not just on whether or not you believed in him "

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    You've done some research and found that SOME of it is bullshit, do lots more research and you will find that ALL of it is. You are only part way there so dont stop.

  • Vidiot

    Phizzy - "I don't know where this succinct quote comes from..."

    It's paraphrased, but pretty close to a quote from Marcus Aurelius, one of the last of the Caesars (the old man at the beginning of Gladiator, in case you're curious).

  • Terry

    I personally would modify your opening statement about "truth."

    I think the Bible is artifically collated, layer upon layer. We find a lot of opinion, but I don't see how we

    could call any of it "truth."

    To declare something TRUE it has to be testable.

    Exactly what is there in the Bible which is testable?

    Jesus said you could move a mountain if you had faith the size of a mustard seed.

    Who has yet accomplished the test of Jesus' words? Nobody. So my conclusion on that one is: FLUNK.


    The people who wrote down the things accumulated in the Bible were motivated to do so (or else they wouldn't have done it) but, we

    can't test for evidence of them being directed by a celestial super-entity.

    Mostly, as I see it, (your mileage may vary) the mere idea that ALMIGHTY GOD's stamp is on the Bible is what gives POWER to

    the men who CLAIM He is directing them to understand it.

    This is a dance requiring somebody who leads and somebody who follows.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are uneducated and under-educated. They have no grasp. They are amateurs imagining they are world-beaters.

    The leaders fool themselves first. When they are wrong it is embarassing. It is so difficult to admit to their mistakes because the mere

    fact of CHANGING so-called true actually DISPROVES the merit of the claim.

    To say THIS IS TRUE and later to change it requires a lot of denial and intellectual dishonesty.

  • stuckinarut2

    Great thread!

    Saving for later!

  • exWTslave


    Thank you for that quote! It's great and true. Interestingly, Bible too declares that God is not an element in true worship: " Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."--James 1:27

    In other words, caring for others is true worship, or being a good person is true worship.

  • exWTslave


    I agree with you 100%.

  • Vidiot

    exWTslave - "Interestingly, Bible too declares that God is not an element in true worship: 'Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.'--James 1:27"

    Holy shit; I've never read that before (seriously).


    I may try using that one with my JW mom someday if she starts in on the WTS as the only legitimate means of attaining God's approval...

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