Just watched a documentary on the Mormon church and I reckon they have got far more scandal and issues with BS doctrins than the witnesses ever did

by joe134cd 18 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • joe134cd

    Must admit I didn't know a lot about the mormon church, so I decided to spend my Saturday night exploring them on you tube. After having viewed it I reckon the watchtower dosnt even come close to the scandal and total BS that surrounds the Mormon church. This is just 2 examples. There was an old Egyptian scroll that Joseph smith came into contact with, where he translated it and deciphered it as been the book of Abraham. Remembering that back in the 1830s no one could translate ancient Egyptian. Anyway to cut a long story short it was total made up BS by Joseph and his buddies. When they re-found the Egyptian scrolls of the book of Abraham in the 1960s after it was thought they were destroyed. It turns out it was depicting an Egyptian high priest going into the after life.

    Ol Joseph reckoned he could find riches by putting his head in a hat and looking at a stone. Dose this sound like someone who is credible. I'm at a WTF moment now. Kind of makes me wonder If the witnesses arnt so wacky after all.

  • cofty
  • NewYork44M

    I read the book by Jon Krakauer, Under Banner of Heaven. JWs have nothing as compared to the Mormons. They are quite a group.


  • Junction-Guy

    The Mormon religion may seem alot wackier, and indeed may be--but the JW religion is far more destructive in the everyday life of the members.

  • OnTheWayOut

    If you are going to point out that modern readers of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs have totally debunked Smith's book, don't forget to also point out how modern DNA testing proves that native Americans are not descendants from the lost tribes of Israel.

  • prologos

    OTWO, but wt comes to the recue by declaring them to be part of the 12 tribes of Rev.7.

    BSW when you look at the pictures ( in SL city) of them crossing the Atlantic, their Oaken vessels put the Vikings and Columbus to shame.

  • joe134cd

    Yeah they reckoned the American indians immigrated from Asia. No genetic link has been found to the israelites.

  • steve2

    Mormons have grander, more impressive whakiness than the Witnesses. But then, Russell's ideas and beliefs about the Egyptian pyramids isn't far short on weirdness. And as forhis promotion of miracle wheat? The man's a total embarrassment.

  • Syme

    Pessimistic note:

    Mormons are far more wackier than the JWs, but they are still around; which means that the WTS is not likely to 'go down' any time soon.

  • MrMonroe

    I read Michael Bachelard's excellent book "Behind the Exclusive Brethren" and decided after that the JWs are amateurs when it comes to screwing up people's lives.

    A lot of parallels: a huge amount of deception and self-deception, and a lust for control and vengeance. Arseholes the lot of them.

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