Hate mail from JW

by TR 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • LDH

    Well you just *KNOW* mine was going to be a gem, LOL. BTW, Neyank you're too funny!

    Read it and Weep!

    From: [email protected]
    Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 20:47:00 EST
    Subject: yo
    To: [email protected]

    you are confused and if you dont stop going down the broad and spacious
    you will be thrown into the lake of fire and sulphur....i am sick at
    stuff you and other worldly people have been posting the society dont
    with you cause you are fulfilling prophecy ...... bye........... read
    something that will add meaning to your sprialled life

    My response:
    Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2001 19:20:36 -0800 (PST)
    From: < [email protected]>
    Subject: Re: yo
    To: [email protected]


    I don't think you've been reading the stuff *I* posted. Because if you had been reading it, you would know I don't have much respect for 'pearls of wisdom' that don't follow basic rules of syntax, grammar or spelling.

    Thanks for the warning about the lake of fire and sulfa! I'll be on my best behavior from this point forward!


  • JAVA


    This whole evening has made me feel, well, kind of warm all over.

    That's because you finally paid your Power & Light bill larc, and the company turned your heat back on.

    I get e-mail like this all the time from JWs reading my HomePage. I always reply thanking them for taking the time to read my site, and sharing a little about themselves with me. (I know that's a cheap shot, but it makes me feel better after reading their nonsense.) I end by offering to remove anything from the site they can show is not true, with a posted apology. No one has taken me up on the offer after two years. Maybe I could throw in a copy of the elder's manual to sweeten the pot.

    ---JAVA, counting time at the Coffee Shop

  • RR

    Woe is me, what have I done to be left out of the loop :(

    Brethren, please pray for me that I can be found worthy of an e-mail!

    People who want to share their religious views with you almost
    never want you to share yours with them.

  • waiting

    hey lisa!

    We must be more alike than we would like to think, eh?

    I got one from KwesiHotboy also entitled:


    "you hoe" (the subject)

    Damn, I thought someone sent me a poem.


  • RedhorseWoman

    Nothing. (sigh) No e-mail for me...nope...not me. (sigh)

  • RedhorseWoman

    Waiting, it looks as if you were the only one who got a pleasant e-mail from the little twit. He has obviously learned that you enjoy gardening, hence his reference to the fact that "you hoe". Perhaps he'll send another discussing raking, planting, and mulching.

  • LDH

    Greetings, fellow sluts, baby daddies and baby mammas!

    I'm just thinking that I'm going to report ol' Kwesi boy to the elders for not speaking the pure language!

    As a matter of fact, it's EBONICS , which has been dismissed time and time again as 'slang of the modern day youth.' And we ALL know True Christians must be beyond reproach in their everyday dealings!

    Oh, Kwesi, yer getting df'd now fer shore son.

  • Simon

    I get plenty hate mail all the time!
    Funny thing is, I setup http://www.jwtruth.com/ site first at the height of our trouble with the elders which was very much an 'anti' site and then set this up which is more 'pro' or at least friendly (I hope).
    So, I got hate mail from both sides...however, the stuff I got from 'apostates' about this site was very polite and they nearly always identified themselves whereas the emails from JWs were quite bitter and usually anonymous. What does that tell you about the type of people they are? Who is showing love and trying to re-adjust someone in the proper manner?
    BTW: Does anyone else get any viruses sent them? I get them quite regularly so someone must think I'm stupid enough to open an EXE from a faked Email address (eg. I never registered Norton AntiVirus from [email protected]). My various firewalls and anti-virus software always catches it though
    However, I do understand why people do stuff like this because I was once 'angry and righteous' about what I saw on 'apostate' web-sites. Luckily, people were patient with me !

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Lisa he is the very one. What the heck is "sprialled"? His spelling is lovely. This always gets to me anyway. I just sent back a letter saying "Who are you?".

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