What are the ODDS Jehovah's Witnesses are the ONLY TRUE religion?

by Terry 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    The WTS's self supporting marketing strategy ....

    Claim Jesus has returned and has taken position on his heavenly throne and at the same time has

    chosen the leaders of the WTS. as a singular mouth piece for all mankind

    Claim that they alone have the right interpretations of the bible

    Openly suggest to have been deeply trained in bible theology on a academic level

    Point out false doctrines by other Christian based religions and compile that as the

    reason why god has left those religions in favor of the WTS.

    Claim those religions will soon be destroyed as well all of its adherent followers.

    Mentally indoctrinate people with doctrines that are presently expressed as the Truth by god's direction

    through his holy spirit .

    Carefully and methodically change doctrines when necessary (This Generation) which were once an attracting feature but over time ran out of their useful appeal.


    Keep a close watch onto all members to seek out dissidents or opposers to these engaging doctrines which were orginally created to lure in people to the organization.

    (Millions now living will never die)


    If and when they are found , make sure they are muzzled and demonised from the rest of the other members, including family if need be.


    Rince, recycle and repeat.

  • hamsterbait

    Oh dear! Mercy on us!

    how many religions have ever existed. The Witchtower religion is another that will die out when fear of death is gone. Or people see it for the scam it is.

  • cultBgone

    Terry, the answer to the question you posed in the title? ZERO. Zero in a gazillion trillion.

  • Fernando

    Great summary Terry.

    Personally, I have come to conclude that ALL "religion is a snare and a racket" as Judge Rutherford explained in his books Enemies (1937) and Religion (1940).

    On that basis the Watchtower is definitely a front-runner.

    They push religion to the max (apostate legalism, apostate moralism, supremacist ethnocentrism/doctrine, supremacist religious Gnosticism).

    Therefore for me the Watchtower is indeed one of the TRUEST snares and rackets (religions).

    No religion I know of, has accomplished more in telling their followers they are "publishers of the Good News" whilst deliberately keeping them ignorant of this same "Good News".

  • Finkelstein

    To proclaim your religion is the only true religion is an impossibility or in reality a lie in itself, for all religions all formulated upon an agreement to a set of lies

    in its inherent creation.

  • Zordino

    The chances of JW's being the only true religion is 1 in 10 to the power of 1,0000000000000000.. or Inifinty..

  • exWTslave


    Nice thoughts!

  • Syme

    The odds of JWs being the only true religion is 0 in 1,000,000.

  • Heaven

    The entire Organization shoves all its chips into the center of the table on one bet: they are the only mouthpiece of God on earth.

    Standing in my parent's kitchen years ago, I asked both of them at the same time "Is God directing the Watchtower?"

    At exactly the same time, my Dad answers "No." and my Mom answers "Yes."

    You shoulda seen the 'Holy Shiite!' look pass between them. It was priceless.

    Yes No Emoticon

  • Vidiot

    Terry - "What are the odds Jehovah's Witnesses are the only true religion?"


    There isn't a bookie in Vegas who'd touch it with a ten-foot cattle prod.

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