Let's suggest some programs for tv.jw.org

by rebel8 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • rebel8

    Weekday afternoons: a soap opera featuring judicial committees, demon possessions, and wives clamoring to be the ones who host the circuit overseer's lunch

    Saturday mornings: Sparlock cartoon

    Friday evenings: reality show featuring jw dating. Episode 1: How to troll the assembly hall without getting in trouble for leaving your seat. Episode 2: Pretending to be contemplating marriage as a prerequisite to dating. Episode 3: Chaperoned dating for 1 month. Episode 4: The wedding day.

    Sunday afternoons: Live soccer tournament--brothers from the West Congregation vs. brothers from the East Congregation playing at the local park

    Weeknights: Fashion reality show.

    Weekday mornings: Talk show featuring famous jws, followed by a cooking show with Miracle Wheat TM recipies.

  • millie210

    Love your idea!

    On the cooking show....it could include a tbousand and one ways to pack an assembly lunch!

  • hoser

    I'd like them to play the elders videos about disfellowshipping brother aquarium

  • OneEyedJoe

    What about an after school special? They could do an episode about keeping quiet after you're molested by an elder so that you don't bring reproach on Jehovah's name. That would be a great practical lesson for the youngsters.

  • rebel8

    Every hour on the hour: Masturbation avoidance techniques

    Saturday mornings: Makeunders--how to wear less makeup

    Vendors allowed to run ads: necktie companies, bookbag/Bible cover makers, window wash services, vocational high schools

  • Zordino

    How about Live streaming judicial committee hearings. Also, JW gossip hour. Another good one could be 'the JW virgin bachelor'

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    BidUp TV selling JW.orgy trinkets to the cult masses...

  • Oubliette

    Live Q&A with the GB members!

    1st Episode: What does the word "Generation" mean?

    2nd Episode: What does the word "evidently" mean?

    3rd Episode: What does the word "soon" mean?

    4th Episode: GB CloseUp: Tell us about your personal background: education, work experience, family life ...

    5th Episode: What's it like having millions of other people pay all of your personal expenses?

  • sparrowdown

    "So You Think You can Witness" a witnessing demonstation realtiy show with the winner recieving

    a statue of the GB and the coveted title of Masterwitness.

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    So You Think You Can Act : In a 6 month long Lip Sync competition, local JW's compete to win a coveted role in next summers Drama.

    A Very Special Caleb: Title character 8 year old Caleb is asked a lot of uncomfortable questions after his Dad finds the Victoria's Secret catalog given to him by that troublesome neighbor boy, of Sparlok video fame.

    Saturday Night Live: Comedy ensues as select groups of Witnesses do a last minute late night study of Sundays Watchtower lesson, vying with eachother for the most original and insightful comments and the most creative use of colored pens.

    Three's Company: Follow along as inexperienced singles from vaious circuits attempt to get to know eachother while accompained by an appointed chaperone from Bethel.

    This Old Assembly Hall: This Old Assembly Hall is the sister series to This Old Kingdom Hall where ordinary unskilled and semi-skilled congregation members don hardhats and work gloves to renovate their windowless meeting places. Both of these programs and the buildings themselves, are owned by the WBTS (a subsidary of IBSA) yet are funded by contributions made by the volunteers themselves and by viewers like you who are intemittently reminded to call in their pledges throughout the hour long program.

    The Shunnie Mooners: A young newlywed couple attempt to navigate their way through their marriage without the much needed support of their friends and family. This series is a hard hittling and often difficult to watch, inside look at the life of those who are Disfellowshipedfind and find themselves on the wrong side of conditional Christian love. We not only see how these young folks struggle with the consequences of their rebellious actions as they attempt to regain their former lives but also the difficulties their friends and families go through to understand and comply with this loving provision.

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