New teaching! ...the end is NOT near by GB Steven Lett

by apocalypse 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • apocalypse

    Have you watched some 'dub tv' yet? It's very interesting. Steven Lett of the Gigglin Brothers, put his foot right in watchtower's big mouth. Intending to justify the expense, in setting up this tv show at the old location when they intend to move in less than two years, he says that this system of things will go "on into the years ahead". Yes, the expensive tv set will be moved to the new location, "except the paint on the walls and the paint on the floor". But, he says, but... the equipment is not a loss as it will be used "on into the years ahead".

    So, it must be asked, how the hell can the new tv set be an "investment that we're hopeful, with your $upport can be used on into the years ahead", unless the internet is still around "on into the years ahead". And of course, the electrical power generation and associated infrastructure must also be here "on into the years ahead". Also, the good "worldly people" that make it all possible will also have to be here "on into the years ahead". As well, you still want the toilets to flush "on into the years ahead" so you'll need the water utilities to work "on into the years ahead".

    Jesus said that the evil slave would finally say "My master is delaying" Mt. 24:48 so this, coupled with the wiping out of the "generation" teaching spells it out for dubdom. Jesus ain't comin' anytime soon.

    I've already used this on one brother who is getting some medical attention. I told him that it's good he's getting it since Br. Lett says this system is going to "go on into the years ahead".

    TV is going to bite 'em in the ass.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Yep, I noticed that slip-up as well.

    So the reality is GB Lett isn't living his life with as much of a sense of urgency as he sermonizes!

    As Luke 6:45 says: '...for out of the heart's abundance the mouth (Lett's Big Mouth) speaks.'

  • Quarterback

    Good observation, Guys.

  • ptt7000

    Armageddon is not Judgement day so non witnesses as well as other religions and non religious people will survive. It is the take over of the system so we will have the good non witnesses taking care of electricity and flushing toilets etc. Like Noah's day the time when Agels ruled the world ended but those men born of Adam (not nephillim) were ransomed also by Jesus as they died in Adamic sin and it is ransomed.

    So he got it right by default that the world will still go on. Only rulership will change and those that fought Israel and Jesus will come back and learn of him . Isaiah and the prophets tells us that.

    So once they are right, Lett you did good.

  • sparrowdown

    So keep those donations coming to infinity and beyond $$$$$$.

  • joe134cd

    I wonder how long it will be before they start asking for money.

  • punkofnice

    It makes me wonder what the GB ACTUALLY believe themselves.


    I HOPE the GB decides to televise a Memorial Observance next year. That would REALLY show the world how totally nutty and weird the JWs are.

  • alanv

    This is nothing new. The society always say, that witnesses will still need meetings, literature and imfo from the society the other side of Armaggeddon.

    The tv broardcasts are just another way the society will keep JWs informed.

    I think most witnesses would give you that answer now. The present view is certainly much better than what I was told in the late 60s though, that the big A is just around the corner.

  • punkofnice

    'We don't serve for a date.' is a typical pre-programmed JW response.

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