Why can't JW's just admit they've got some things WRONG

by yadda yadda 2 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    New Light???

    Show some humility, grow some balls and admit for once your religion has got things WRONG!!

  • Phizzy

    The W.T/G.B cannot bring themselves to admit they were/are wrong on anything, because they know such an admission would open the floodgates of the dam holding back a huge sea of questions.

    They cannot have their position as "God's Channel" questioned by the R&F, or the House of Cards they have built comes tumbling down.

    So they speak of "refinements" when in reality they are totally rejecting what they previously taught.

    I don't really give a s**t about that, if the R&F are too stupid to see it, then let them stay eating ordure.

    What I would like to see, but never will, nor will the youngest of you reading this, is them say "Sorry", properly, for the pain and suffering they have caused by allowing Paedophiles to flourish in their midst, by their Shunning Policy, and by their murderous Blood Doctrine.

    They have blood on their hands and are responsible for the deaths of many.

  • lurkernomore

    Funny you should mention this. In my recent conversation with my mother she did a complete U-turn and admitted that what was taught at times was wrong. She didn't even deny the 1975 blunder when i brought it up this time. Obviously this was put down to 'New Light'.

    This subject always makes me a little irrate so i said to her that:

    'Right you believe the GB are not infalliable! She agreed. Yet again and again they have openly referred to themselves as 'God's mouthpiece'. If this is the case then they should'nt be getting things wrong because it's as if Jehovah himself has spoken.' Apparently if we were revealed everything in one go we couldn't handle it, that was her honest reply. At this point I and my wife just chuckled at how ridiculous it all is and ended that discussion by saying there was no point in discussing my views on this if she is not able to see it from my point of view, as it would simply end in a circular discussion.

    Even if we can get highly indoctrinated ones to see that the JW religion has made mistakes, which a most won't (at least not openly) they will always have an excuse to reason away any doubt. I believe an individual has to be at a certain point in life or come accross a massive spiritual hurdle in order to effectively see TTATT. Lucky for me i was already somewhat 'weak' as a JW for various reasons but still this is all i've ever known in 28 years, so to go from that to seeing it's all utter BS in under 3 months is incredible.

    But more to your point Yadda, i do feel that the leaders of this cult need to be the ones to admit to their mistakes, as it's their decisions and teachings that affect millions of lives across the globe.

  • stuckinarut2

    so by that reasoning then...god must be wrong too?

    afterall...if they are god's mouthpiece......??


  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    So very true Phizzy, et al.

  • designs

    The human need for Myths is deeply rooted, figure at least another 200 years before religions really decline.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    It's like the story of the scorpion which asked the crocodile for a piggy-pack ride across a river - it's in their nature, they can't change!

    In every bad experience with Elders, not ONE has ever apologised and admitted they got it wrong.

    Even after C.O. and Branch Service Dept. were involved.

    It's the nature of the beast!

  • lurkernomore

    Good metaphor searcher!

  • punkofnice

    JWs as an organization, IE the GB and their suck ups will never admit that they are wrong because they have power and money to gain.

    JWs as in individual rank and file members might just admit things were wrong but then put up a big argument as to why that's still okay.

  • L3G

    They simply cannnot face reality. They're motivated by fear far too much.

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