Implications of Dropping "Types/Anti-Types"

by Antioch 39 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • GrreatTeacher

    Do you mean in the new bible, Sloppyjoe? I haven't seen it.

    I remember leaving in 1991 and predicting a generation change which happened in 1995.

    I want to know how long in advance they work on these things, plan these incremental changes that prepare the rank and file for big new understandings. Are there Strategic New Light Teams? Fiduciary Doctrinal Consistency Committees? I mean how does this actually work?

    And, do they plant seeds for more than one possible doctrinal outcome?

  • sloppyjoe2

    Yeah in their new bible. They have covered their bases I think pertaining to that. As far as the generations teaching, ray franz wrote crisis of conscience in 1983 and predicted they would have to change it. I can't imagine he was the only one to realize that On the GB.

  • VM44

    Splane says "We Cannot go beyond what is written"

    The year 607 BCE is not written in the Bible.

  • VM44

    Does anyone know if a recording of Splane's "Types, Anti-Types" talk can be posted online?

  • Quarterback

    I think that this is the biggest update to come from this AGM. It may move slowly, but it will gradually remove all of the numerous guesses that have come from the last 100 yrs.

  • sloppyjoe2

    @quarterback it really is a smart move I believe. Then JWs can claim that they no longer guess and ONLY go by what what is written in the bible. As we know JWs very easily disregard their past and will do the same about all the speculation they have done. They'll lose some JWs along the way but many more will become JWs after whatever dust this may cause settles.

  • Splash

    Num 23:19 God is not a mere man who tells lies,

    Nor a son of man who changes his mind .

    When he says something, will he not do it?

    When he speaks, will he not carry it out?


  • L3G

    I miss Freddie Franz's long-winded and winding explanations! It's all so basic and bland now...

    Where's the beef?

    Then JWs can claim that they no longer guess and ONLY go by what what is written in the bible.

    SJ2, haven't they always said this, even when they were so busy "anti-typing"? So what's with the "Then"?

  • TD
    With the fall of types/anti-types, what doctrines just lost their columns and fell down?

    The comment from Splane notwithstanding, JW theology is so heavily dependent upon typology vis-à-vis the Olivet that the religion would not even be recognizable anymore if they dropped it.

    Do they not believe in a future Great Tribulation anymore? --LOL.

  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    In typical JW talk, Splane said "...when warranted". So who decides when it is warranted?

    You know who. Nothing has changed. its a warm up for something else, and maybe to give the appearance of "reaching" less.

    For all intensive purposes, nothing has changed.

    Not even........the paint on the floor!!!! (to be read in Splane voice)

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