Can I block from my internet?

by Emily24 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Emily24

    My spouse and I have not been to the meetings in about 10 years. Recently I have noticed a very very strong push from my spouse's family. They have been sending JW shit in the mail all the time. I have noticed my children singing the song "Listen, Obey, & Be Blessed". Grinds my fucking nerves.

    Is there a way to block the website from working on our internet network? It needs to be able to be blocked on the computer, ipad, iphone, roku, & google tablet.

    Would adding the site to the blocked sites on the router block it from all of those devices or just the computer?

    I work 3rd shift and sleep during the day. My spouse is secrectly indoctrating my children, and now with this JW.TV shit it's going to be so so much easier.

    I would like to nip this bud before it can grow.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Assuming you have a computer running some version of Windows, I *think* you can accomplish your goal by editing Wiindows 'hosts' file. This is not a trivial undertaking, and I am NOT an expert, so I will refer you to:

    or urge you to talk with any Windows sysadmin-typr you might know. There are a few here who may comment on the validity of my suggestion.

    Let's see if anyone responds, shall we?

  • SyntaxError1974

    blocking at the router is the way to go. But a pure block will raise suspisions of why you blocked it. I would instead do a redirect. All requests going to should be redirected to something like or 😜

  • Dis-Member

    What router do you have?

  • Emily24

    Is it possible to put a time restriction type deal on the router block? I'll explain:

    My spouse doesn't dare view any JW activities while I am awake. I could care less if it is viewed while I am awake because it is kept away from the children. It is when I am sleeping, I know the kids are being pushed to view that crap.

    Is there any way for the site to work during the hours that I am awake and then "magically" it doesn't work while I am sleeping? My spouse isn't too tech savy and will just think the new site is wonky and doesn't work "sometimes"...

    Edited to add:

    My router is the Motorola SURFboard SBG6580

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Looks like you can do it on the router with parental control options:

    However you are at the mercy of the tech so...

    If you get no joy then look for a router that allows you to do what you want to accomplish.

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    blocking the site makes you no worse than the WTS is great just for the meltdowns occurring on this board.

  • Chaserious

    If your kids try to access it and see that you've blocked it, they will probably only be more curious to find out what is so offensive about it that it has to be censored. Perhaps a talk with your spouse would be more useful than leaving him to discover that you've attempted to block the internet sites.

  • Simon

    Blocking is technically possible but probably less effective unless you can block it everywhere (you can't).

    Why not have a candid conversation about the danger of high control religions (don't use the word cult) and the tactics and behaviors they use.

    Be sure to explain how and why they put effort into being appealing but the price you ultimately pay if you get involved.

    If you do go the blocking rout, you should try using QoS to make it slow and unusable - a frustrating experience is more effective than an outright block.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    If you do go the blocking rout, you should try using QoS to make it slow and unusable - a frustrating experience is more effective than an outright block.

    True dat, make it really slow so that videos are just annoying to try and watch on those sites.

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