grazy link on JW.ORG

by fastJehu 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • fastJehu

    Here is the help site for Roku:

    On the right side is a link to ROKU and this link shows me a lot of "very bad" channels (in JW-land) like "Paranormal Activity Channel" or "badass TV":!details/47991/

    The link must be:!details/47791/jw-broadcasting

  • Barrold Bonds
    Barrold Bonds

    Let's see how many JW's plunk down for Roku boxes now.

  • j dubb
    j dubb

    They're not expensive; I can see more people affording those at $39 than an ipad.

  • jwfacts

    How funny, they are using a standard streaming service that is used by other religious organisations, such as Mormons. I'm surprised they haven't developed their own platform, so that there is something else for them to sell to the flock, and they can keep them away from the temptation to view other programs.

  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    I think they're doing a good guys need to cut them some slack.

  • 3rdgen

    @Sam Whiskey Why?

  • jwfacts

    I think they're doing a good guys need to cut them some slack.

    The Watchtower deserves as much slack as they give to worldly people - none. They usually receive a lot more than that.

  • fastJehu

    They fixed it.

    So my opening post is no longer valid.

  • cultBgone

    They probably read your post.

  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey

    I just mean....look around the world. They're not perfect, but show me something better. I've been disfellowshipped for about eight or nine years now, but my gut still tells me they are closest thing to the real thing. If there is such a thing.

    Just something in the pit of my soul says they're an OK bunch. I've never seen such an effort by any group to teach the love that God has for people.

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