by piztjw 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • piztjw

    I tried to, out of curiosity, watch this morning. I barely could stand to make it seven minutes before I had to quit.

    Of course there were at least two, maybe three mentions in that short time of the expense incurred and the subtle begging for money to "support" the televangelism effort. A time lapse video showed the construction of the TV set. Office workers were booted out of their location to make room for the set. They bragged about them clearing out in a very short time. Of course they bragged about how Gee-HOE'-vaahhhh blessed the work, because, "an industry expert said, 'It would take over one year,' to build this set, and WE did it in only TWO MONTH'S." Followed by another veiled plea for money, and the explanation that the GB did this because everything would be moved to Warwick in two years, and everything used on the set would be used, "for YEARS to come."

    No Armageddon in the very near future I guess!

    If anyone else can stomache more than six or seven minutes I am sure that I and others would appreciate your thoughts.

  • blondie

    There must be 10 or more threads on this topic.

  • piztjw

    And your point is......

  • suavojr

    Blondie, this is HOT, HOT, HOT! It is simply amazing how the GB makes changes like crazy and no one blinks an eye (withi the borg)

  • Terry

    For a brief while, Islam discovered Aristotle and spread a renaissance of logic and proto-science across the ancient world.

    Then, the candle of enlightenment blew out because a fundamentalist cleric condemned all of it. Islam as been mired in

    backward, primal, theocracy ever since.

    This TV thingy is the Jehovah's Witness version of movement from the "old ways" into the new.

    It is an experiment and little else.

    Remember, this is almost entirely aimed at the Newbie with newly minted delusional stars in their eyes.

    There is actually no content, per se.

    I call it pancake syrup.

    You can't live off artificial sweeteners, you know . . .

  • prologos

    Since the speaker believes that he will be freed from that uncomfortable body, raptured to heaven before Armageddon, fight with Christ at Armageddon,

    surely, if this Facility (from the french facile=easy) is so dear to him, He will personally protect it for use by the NEW WORLD Government. Speakers then: all the un-anointed at Warwick.

    it's facile.

  • DesirousOfChange

    My unbiased opinion is that the JW Broadcasting channel looks very professionally designed. I just browsed through a few of the channels but really couldn't take the time, nor want to waste too much time, looking through it.

    Frankly, JWs will be loving it! It's going to be another example of the Society really moving forward in the technology arena. Anything like this we be said to be "exciting". And it is.........compared to another meeting or field service or anything else JW related.

    I doubt that it will be instrumental in bringing in any new recruits, but it will be more effective in indoctrinating kids or even adults than books and magazines that never get read.


  • skeeter1

    is the deaf interpreter on it? He should have a whole show, just talking about masturbation! He could be the JW, "Howard Stern".

  • Finkelstein

    Well the Watchtower Corporation has always self described themselves as God's true Channel of Communication for all mankind.

    The WTS. is just making this a reality

    I wonder if god will ever appear giving a talk or his son, he supposed to be around somewhere as well.

    Don't touch that dial there are more important messages to come.

  • Dagney

    Good one skeeter...they should give that guy some air time.

    Well. I could only watch a few minutes. Interesting choice to be the first guy on the show. Yikes. I felt like he was talking slooooowwwww...

    What is funny, and what I try to point out to JW's is working on project and accomplishing a goal is not exclusive to JW's for pete's sakes! They act like whenever they do anything they are the only ones that have ever successfully done it!

    It's a very slick studio...interesting path. It makes sense to modernize...that was long over due. But then again...we all weren't suppose to be here...we were supposed to be weaving our own clothes or bird fodder by now. But as slick and pretty as this all is...the message has not changed one iota. It is as harsh and punitive as ever. Lipstick...pig.

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