Is Blood Thicker Dan Water

by non_trias_theos 88 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • D8TA


    Every village has an idiot. This message board, in a way, is a village. I think we pretty much found who the village idiot is, and that person is non_trias_theos.

    You can do two things with the village idiot. You can try to have a healthy debate, in which the village idiot will just keep in their own world and ramble on about nothing. Or you can ingnore the village idiot.

    Everyone, just go back to the beginnig of this post and read the header. The village idiot does not stay on her/his own topic. The village idiot never responds to anyone who asks a serious question pertaining to the topic. The village idiot only tries to tackle small points and then they go off in to a tangent.

    Everyone has the right to say what they want, even this village idiot.

    This village idiot likes to twist words and play games. When the village idiot is presented with viable questions, they resort to the "Oh, well I'm quiet on that subject and don't want to say anything about it" routine. Also this village idiot, when cornered, will resort to implications of using fire arms. When this village idiot is confronted with about such implication, s/he will then resort to the "Oh, well I don't own a gun, but I know people who do, but I don't know anyone specifically that owns one" routine.

    So before you proceed to respond to any topic posts or reply posts of the village idiot, please keep in mind:

    1) This village idiot has no reasoning.
    2) This village idiot has no logic.
    3) This village idiot has no purpose other then to glorify themselves in endless babble that goes NO WHERE.
    4) This village idiot plays the game of her/his masters in N.Y., and takes everyone's statements out of context.
    5) This village idiot plays the game of her/his masters in N.Y., and deflects the point and/or topic in to a tangent.

    Now, the village idiot's mind is easy to master, since the village idiot possesses a simple mind. The village idiot will repond to this post that:

    1) The village idiot's master is not people in N.Y., it's "God" or "Jehovah".
    2) This village idiot will use reasoning only which the village idiot can understand, and has created in the village idiot's own mind.
    3) This village idiot will use logic only which the village idiot can understand, and has created in the village idiot's own mind.
    4) This village idiot will respond with her/his own self righteous babble.

    On a final note, this village idiot comes from the kingom of "God/Jehovah is only on my side, and everyone else is shit out of luck". This village idiot is a fundalmentalist. There is no sense in replying to a fundalmentalist. The best thing to do with a fundalmentalist, is to say "Fuck Off". (now watch, we will get a scripture quote about "colorful" language.)

    Please, be merciful everyone. Don't feed the village idiot's mind.


  • non_trias_theos

    $$$Obviously YOU didn't, non. I said you cannot DISPROVE a negative.$$$

    Sorry non was not listening.

    Besides, non never asked you to disprove a negative. He asked you to prove that a statement was false when what he really meant was for you to prove a statement true. Either way, non did not ask you to disprove a negative.

  • non_trias_theos

    $$$Please, be merciful everyone. Don't feed the village idiot's mind.$$$

    Brought to you by . . . the village idiot. Cause it take one to know one.

    And who is the real idiot in this place? the one talking in circles or the ones replying to the one talking in circles?


  • non_trias_theos

    "Who is the real victim? Can you answer that? The brother that's jacking or the fool gettin' jacked?"

    Warren G

  • gsx1138

    I'm sure the Village idiot posts here for intellectual masturbation since the act is physically forbidden. Apparently he doesn't use logic for lubrication.

  • SEAKEN2001


    your killing me!! LMAO

    You said the very "colorful words" I could not bring myself to say earlier today on this and another fundy topic. But I knew you'd come through! Ha!


  • Soledad

    On point as usual D8TA [8>]

  • StinkyPantz


    You are absolutely right. I honestly came here thinking that those who were still JWs would answer any questions that I still posses. Unfortunately the only person who claims to be a practicing JW isn't very smart. It's very unfortunate. I was hoping to find a place to have a thought provoking debate with a JW, and I see that I was wrong to think that this child who goes by the name of "Non" would provide adult conversation. If there are any JWs who would like to calmly and intelligent debate an issue with me, please let me know.


    "Keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer"

  • SYN

    StinkyPants: If you are a "practising" (hehe) Witness, you're more then welcome to talk with anyone here. Start up some threads. 99% of the people on this board will respond calmly. Some will respond with sarcasm, but if you are sincere, we will listen and respond. There are many good people on this board who'd like to help you come to a better understanding of the world and the WTBTS. Help us help you.

    Have you been to Quotes' site yet? I recommend you browse through EVERY link at the bottom of this page. You deserve to know everything about your religion, including the bad side which is hidden from Witnesses.

    Don't think I'm just a trouble-stirrer - I, too, was a Witness for many years. I know exactly what you feel like. You'll find many kindred spirits here. Please talk with us, and not with Non. The reason I respond so vociferously to Non is because he ignores my calmer posts and only responds to invective with more invective.

    "Vaccination has never saved a human life. It does not prevent smallpox." The Golden Age, Feb 4 1931 p. 293-4 - The Sacredness of Human Blood (Reasons why vaccination is unscriptural)

  • non_trias_theos

    How can you seriously debate a guy with a name like stinky pants? Besides, you are not on non's intellectual level. Very few here are. If non really wanted to, he would whip out his superior intellect and logic and mop up the forum with you.

    But you just not on his level.

    Besides, read Greg Stafford's book JWD2 and all your questions will be answered. You are not scared to read it, non knows.

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