Here is my sad but true story!!!

by dissedsis 22 Replies latest jw experiences

  • crawdad2

    hi dissedsis,

    those creepy elders!!!...wanting to know all the details.......yuk!!!!
    they are nothing but perverts, with elder titles........they should all be put in jail, if you ask me.

    and the elder that washed you???.......HAHAHAHAHA.....a PEDOPHILE!!!!

    if people only knew how many pedophiles were in that organization!!!!

    i wish they could round up all the elders involved in all these cases and put them all in jail.......creeps!!!!!

  • Farkel


    Wow! What a roller-coaster you've had to deal with!

    Your story rings true, and believe-it-or-not is more common than many are willing to believe.

    Kudus to your Dad! Stay very close to him. He is your refuge and he believes in you.

    I have a sick Mom just like you do, so I can relate more than many to your story.

    Take good care of yourself: your religion wouldn't do it, the members of your religion wouldn't do it, and your own mother wouldn't do it. Only you can do it. Find friends you can trust, and now you have the freedom to plot your own path in life. Without religious assholes interfering in your own life anymore. Keep religious assholes out of your life for the rest of your life. Trust me on this.

    I wish you the very best. Hang around this board. You will likely soon find out that your choice was the right one.


  • rmayer32

    Welcome to the board dissedsis

    "Keeping an eye on the Watchtower deviants"

  • LeslieV

    Dear Dis;
    Welcome to the board and having the courage to tell your story. Not only is it theraputic to put it in writing but it certainly helps others that have experienced similiar atrocities at the hands of this religion.

    You give you dad a hug from all of us for being your support system.
    And thank goodness you found a Dr. who helped you find the special person you are!!!

  • slipnslidemaster

    (((((((((( dissedsis ))))))))))

    You made me cry.

  • dissedsis

    OH slippy please don't cry.... I was not posting here for sympathy... I just needed to get it out... My life is not nearly as bad as others....and for that I am thankful... but thank you for taking the time to read my story....Hugs to you!!!!

  • slipnslidemaster

    Well, I flirt with you all the time but to read that just got to me. That you've been hurt so bad just made me sad and angry all at the same time.

    I'm glad that you found our little "club" because you're not alone and we are all the same.

  • bluesapphire

    (((dissedsis))) Thank you for sharing your courageous story. I am so happy I got out in time and my children were left mostly unscathed by this disgusting disgrace of an excuse for a religion!

  • obiefernandez

    hi sis,

    thanks for posting your story. it rings true. I experienced some of the same sorts of things. It especially reminded me of one of my own judicial committees. I was involved with a girl from a neighboring congregation and we got busted so our joint committee meeting had 6 elders in it. They indeed asked all sorts of intimate questions. They wanted to know if we had oral sex and how much, and for how long, did either of us come, etc. I was only 17 at the time. It's 10 years later now but I still remember it clearly.

    I have no idea how they continue to get away with it to this day.


  • Adonai438

    Hi dissedsis

    Your story is very moving and I am soooo sorry for the horrible things you had to go through. Although I don't really know you I can tell that learning to overcome these things have made you a very strong and special person

    Just to introduce myself: My name is Angie, I am the same age as you, from MN although I have family in your area, and was a witness for only about a year from 14-15 years old through the influence of close family members. My natural mother was/is a druggie, prostitute, alcoholic and I was taken from her by the state as a baby. I went through foster homes and finally was sort of adopted by my grandmother. Well, guess where my natural mother got her addictions? I lived with her untill 14 or so with no real parenting being done and moved in with my aunt who was JW. We were always very close but jws changed her for the worse. I joined with her because I really wanted to know God but had no idea what cults were or how they worked-- I was naive period. I left on my own after reading the Bible for myself and was on my own from there on in. I am now a christian, happily married and have a beatiful baby boy. Life is great-- even after what some of us have to go through :(

    Feel free to email me anytime if you want to chat or cath me on AOL IM if you like,

    screen name: AngieGrasonCaleb

    <>< Angie

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