New WTS Rules for elders & Child Abusers

by Cappuccino OC 17 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • PopeOfEruke

    Hi Oveja!

    I ran your handle thru Altavista and it translates as "Shut Up Ewe"..

    What made you choose that for a handle? or is it also a real name??

    The Pope

  • Bodhisattva

    Once again, the Watchtower just doesn't get it.

    The Chistian idea of redemption is appealing, and never had anything to do with the pedophile problem. This change both fails to address the real problems - systemically covering up and re-victimizing with a code of silence - and introduces a new wrench in the works for those who have been redeemed from drugs and violence. Elders and ministerial servants who have paid their debt to society for crimes of youth will be told by elders who are pedophiles, and who have scared victims out of going to the civil authorities often through the mechanism of the church, will tell the first group they are not worthy to serve.

  • NewLight2
    I ran your handle thru Altavista and it translates as "Shut Up Ewe"..
    What made you choose that for a handle? or is it also a real name??
    The Pope

    "Shut Up Ewe".. is just another way of saying 'silent lamb'

    Main Entry: ewe
    Pronunciation: 'yĆ¼, in rural dials
    also 'yO
    Function: noun
    Etymology: Middle English, from Old
    English Eowu; akin to Old High German
    ouwi ewe, Latin ovis sheep, Greek ois
    Date: before 12th century
    : the female of the sheep especially when
    mature; also : the female of various related

  • PopeOfEruke

    Thanks New Light!

    I didn't make the connection, I am sorry. )There are not that many Spanish speakers here in Eruke.)

    The Pope of Eruke

  • silentlambs

    I appreciate your offfering the comments from your uncle. It is further evidence of how elders misinform to protect the organization much like the PR Department has ben doing for the last year. the statement in of itself sounds very good, yet where is it in writing? Factually it is his personal assumption or perhaps a verbal comment made by a CO who was shooting from the hip. The last letter in writing on policy was the 2-15-02 BOE letter, you can read it on the sl website. Not one word alludes to the assumption by your uncle. Criminals can requalify if they wait 20 years, this has been service department policy for many years. This rule secretly may change due to silentlambs but it will be revised as quietly as it has remained for so many years so they can avoid admission of bad policy. Reada the british BOE letter of 6-1-01 and you wil find not mention of serving prision time as a basis to deny elder apppointment. As pedophiles lie-cry and deny so do wt officials to keep from admitting the great atrocities they have committed against children. Your uncle is just doing his job as he lies cries and denies to protect the organization.

  • silentlambs

    I appreciate your offering the comments from your uncle. It is further evidence of how elders misinform to protect the organization much like the PR Department has been doing for the last year. The statement in of itself sounds very good, yet where is it in writing? Factually it is his personal assumption or perhaps a verbal comment made by a CO who was shooting from the hip. The last letter in writing on policy was the 2-15-02 BOE letter, you can read it on the sl website. Not one word alludes to the assumption by your uncle. Criminals can requalify if they wait 20 years, this has been service department policy for many years. This rule secretly may change due to silentlambs but it will be revised as quietly as it has remained for so many years so they can avoid admission of bad policy. Read the british BOE letter of 6-1-01 and you wil find no mention of serving prision time as a basis to deny elder apppointment. As pedophiles lie-cry and deny so do wt officials to keep from admitting the great atrocities they have committed against children. Your uncle is just doing his job as he lies cries and denies to protect the organization.

  • Cappuccino OC
    Cappuccino OC

    You're right I don't have it in writing only his comments. Also the KH JW's know about the abuse cases but guess what? They are NOW saying that they where under the confidentiality laws- What about the law that requires them to report child abusers to the authorities like in this state?

    My uncle or brother never obeyed Caesars Law & reported that they new that his niece- his sister- was raped by her own father & just DF.

  • orangefatcat

    I think the Society makes up rules when it seems good to make them and they change them anytime they want to whenever the need arises to save their butts. They will do anything to save face. Do you think a person with a criminal record is going to be forth coming on that matter? They may think its none of the Society's business and who in the organization is going to investigate it? I don't think the Society would investigate a persons background. My point being thats how pedophiles get in the organizaton.
    By the way Bill I saw you on a commercial for Dateline yesterday it is going to be a coup de grace for the Silent Lambs.

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