Switching Halls

by the comet 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • the comet
    the comet
    It's time for me and the mrs. to get the hell outta dodge. Recently my hall has undergone major management changes and the atmosphere is..less than ideal. I'm getting multiple calls a week asking to set up a time to meet, I've politely declined but these guys aren't taking a hint. We thought we'd always have to attend once in awhile to keep family happy but at this point we just want to switch halls and fade out completely, if we're in a different hall any consequences will be easier to deal with. switching will be pretty easy, there's 4-6 congregations that we can switch to without having to move. My question is when we switch do we even show up to the new hall ever? Go once or twice? What's the best way to do this?
  • ToesUp
    For our situation. We just faded from our hall. We figured, if we move halls the Elders will just send a letter telling the new set of Elders how weak we are. Then we have to deal with a new set is Elders. Hope it works out well for you!
  • punkofnice
    Comet - Why are the eldubs after you to meet? That might help to supply a better answer to your question. Alays remember though, that each congregation has it's own rules based on the biggest bully on the BOE.
  • John Aquila
    John Aquila
    When I switch, I went across the city to a different language. I introduced myself to the elders and told them how happy I was to be attending ":Their" KH. I told them that at this point I do travel quite a bit for work. (Which was a fake out) Made sure my Publisher cards were transferred, after about 5-6 weeks of attending only on Sundays, I stopped and never went back, changed my phone number and It's been almost 2 years. Make sure they transfer your cards or they can still get a hold of you.
  • stuckinarut2

    Punk: Always remember though, that each congregation has it's own rules based on the biggest bully on the BOE.

    Great comment Punk! So VERY true!

  • sir82

    Sounds like switching is a good idea.

    Attend the new congregation sporadically until your cards show up, then disappear.

  • DesirousOfChange

    A switch sounds like a good move at this point, esp since you're being hounded by the present BOE. Switch to the largest Cong with the fewest Elders and most inconvenient for you to attend and for them to attempt to make impromptu calls on you. Attend a few Sundays. Have your story ready as to why you are not regular -- work; depression; etc. Skip more and more. Bye bye.



    EXIT .........................FINIS !

    Claim that you are suffering from ADD................................Acute Doctrinal Distress

  • FayeDunaway
    Cards are now moved from one congregation to another when the old elders know you are moving. They don't wait till you go to a new hall for a while. I was told 'too many people were getting lost' the old way. I'm not sure this is universal but I believe it is. You will have to come up with a reason to move. Be mysterious tho. And try to pick a cong where the elders aren't personally friends with your elders.
  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    You could also do the maniac card. Awhile back, a publisher told the body of elders that he had to change congregations because he was getting "weird thoughts" of buying a gun and shooting all the elders and their families when they least expected it.

    They never bothered him after that.

    He just disappeared!

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