Not on JW.Org: Will Armagedon arrive for Jehovah's witnesses before 12:00 Pm EST 10/2/2014 ??

by Balaamsass2 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • WTWizard

    It is now October 4 in New Zealand, so October 2 is gone. No stock market crash. No sudden spike to infinity in gold and silver prices. No shortages of gas and supplies. No destruction of other religions. And Saturn still in Scorpio, for another just short of 12 weeks.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Did I miss it?

    Hungover after staying up to see the outcome of the baseball AL Division games.

    I vote that it should be delayed until after the World Series.

    Anyone else?


  • rebel8

    Why est?

    Jehovah likes the Eastern Standard time zone best. Also whites, Americans, and men. That is who founded and run his super special organization, so he likes them best.

  • rebel8

    Except omg it IS on

    omg it has a pic of an armageddon countdown card. I'm starting another thread if it's not being discussed.

  • DesirousOfChange

    From JW.ORG:

    "By year’s end, the Messianic Kingdom had been firmly established in the heavens, and some Bible Students thought that their work was done. Little did they know that they were about to enter a period of testing and sifting. The yeartext for 1915 was “Are ye able to drink of My cup?" Matt. 20:22(KJV).

    There has evidently(TM) been a GREAT "sifting".

    The best that I can determine, NONE of them are left -- ALL of them have been "sifted" out!

    May the sifting continue and many more of the new ones be "sifted out" as well!

    Think I'll go drink to that. (Different cup than above reference).


  • GreenhornChristian

    “WE BELIEVE that the Year 1914 gives evidence of greater possibilities of service for the Truth than has any previous year of the Harvest,” stated The Watch Tower of January 1, 1914."

    Evidence of greater possibilities of service? I thought they knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that 1914 marked the start of the kingdom!

    oh, and there it is: Heaven is a REWARD not a free gift (Just comparing WT to Christian beliefs. Not believing any of it now.)

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