Where does all the money go?

by Coded Logic 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OnTheWayOut

    I believe they are now moving the cash around to hide it. They want to look like a cash-poor organization to prepare for future lawsuits.
    They are so paranoid, they have probably thought of all the ways that lawsuits could come and how they could succeed. The only thing holding back such lawsuits is that they would be so time-demanding upon lawyers that wouldn't see a payout for years, decades even.

  • Phizzy

    There are some off-shore places almost sinking under the weight of WT cash that has been siphoned off over many many decades.

  • designs

    You have to remember the Wt. Society is a small potato in the Religious Scam market. Southern Baptists are a $15 BILLION dollar annual budget conglomeration. Lutherans, Methodists, Presbyterians, Episcoplalians, Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Catholics, Islam and name any of the Televangelists and they far and away are bigger robbers of the public than our former religion ever was or could accomplish.

    Try changing Laws and take the Tax Exempt status away from religions. The NFL is now in the sites of the lawmakers to have its Tax Exempt status removed. Religions are next.

  • Simon

    If you think about it, they have all these buildings and utilities to pay for, all these workers to feed etc...

    Nothing they do produces anything of worth that others want to pay for. It's all cost that soaks up the money donated.

    Above a certain level there are people who 'work' full time for the society - all their expenses are paid for, their complete lives. That equates to salaries and expenses incurred. Cars, living accomodation, bills.

    It must all add up but I suspect the higher ups also set things aside for their own retirement ... they are not trusting their final days to the arrival of Armeggadon because they know they made that shit up.

  • cultBgone

    Best comment I've read lately:

    Simon sez It must all add up but I suspect the higher ups also set things aside for their own retirement ... they are not trusting their final days to the arrival of Armeggadon because they know they made that shit up.

    Thanks, Simon.

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