by steve2 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • steve2

    Threads on the newer JW face of public "witnessing" have shared in common the astonishment that JWs safely park themselves behind their literature trolleys and exercise incredibly little contact with passersby. Whether the poster is talking about Europe or the United States or Australia, descriptions here are the same.

    Literature stands are protective sheilds behind which JWs huddle, talking to each other, sipping on their espressos, whilst the disinterested world passes by.

    Neither the JWs nor the passersby catch each others eyes. If ever there are three or more gathered round a literature stand, you can bet that larger group consists of other JWs coming to keep their brothers and sisters company. Behold! A parade of detached souls, anchored more to each other than to any connection with their immediate environment. Is the "good news of the Kingdom" no longer worthy of actual publishing?

    Here in the lower North Island of New Zealand at the Saturday morning Garden and Produce market on the Kapiti Coast, the JWs are even more removed from passersby:

    Their tent, which is fronted by a large rectangular desk with two chairs placed at least two metres behind it, is positioned well back from the thoroughfare to the market area. No passersby notice, let alone stop to even look at the literature, while the 2 JW ladies sit back in their chairs, chatting and sipping on their lattes, undisturbed, unconcerned but counting time. Occasionally a flock of similarly dressed souls descend around the tented area, gathering, chuckling, rubbing shoulders...counting time...then vanishing...leaving the two ladies sitting, chatting, ignoring their wider setting and its inhabitants.

    Religious people can usually be counted upon to live in a fantasy world...but at least in the past, the JWs made some effort to approach people to share their fantasy about a better tomorrow.

    And as I pass by the tent and look in after having observed it from afar, I notice one word in bold white font on the literature stand, "Hope". It takes me all my self-control to stop myself going over to the stand and writing the word "No" above the word "Hope". No Hope. I guess if you have nothing of value to share with people, it just might be a good idea to kick back, sip on an espresso and ignore passersby.

    This is what witnessing has come to in 2015.

  • stuckinarut2

    Oh yes indeed Steve!

    Very true observations......and a worldwide phenomenon!

    In our part of the world, sisters set up the cart at a local park, WHERE THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO PASS ARE CYCLISTS travelling at 50 kph..... And only 3 or 4 for the whole morning!

    Seriously a waste of time and effort!

  • talesin

    I am thinking of taking them a couple of Arizona Iced Teas or something, on the next hot day. It's in the direct sunlight where they are set up, and why not be nice? Show them that an exJW, disfellowshipped person can be happy and caring.

    I dunno, maybe I'm getting soft in my old age. ;)


  • Magnum
    Yep, I've observed the exact same thing in my area in the U.S. Recently I saw two older ladies sitting back in chairs at a shopping center with little traffic. To make it worse, they were down at a far end where almost no one would notice them. But they were happily counting time watching the birds fly by. So different from the old days.
  • Ding

    Not exactly what you'd expect from people who really believe they have a life saving message and that the end is coming any day now, is it?

  • truthseeker100
    Kind of reminds me of the song "We're Jehovah's witnesses we speak out in fearlessness, ours is the god true prophesy, what he foretells comes to be" LOL
  • Finkelstein

    Is it not more like this ....

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot
    "Kind of reminds me of the song "We're Jehovah's witnesses we speak out in fearlessness, ours is the god true prophesy, what he foretells comes to be" Do they still have that song in their song book?
  • truthseeker100
    I have no idea Village Idiot. Maybe some one else out there can tell us?
  • Lost his mind
    Lost his mind
    I am sorry to say, that in the rural community that I live in they still go door to door.

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