Ripple Effect

by Yondaime 14 Replies latest jw experiences

  • happy@last

    All of the above. When I first stopped going I had loads of invitations to dinner, then after a few weeks nothing. If I met them in the street they didn't know where to look, they looked at the ground or across the street. If they did engage in conversation it was brief. When I DA'd they now look right through me as if I am invisible without any expression, it would be quite funny actually if it wasn't so inhumane.


    They may like you, but they do not love you. They don't really know what love is. They "love" you because your actions reinforce their delusions. You make them feel all warm and fuzzy. They feel safe and their doubts ( all JWs have them) and cognitive dissonance are lessened. As soon as you fail to serve that need and supply their emotional blanket by repeating the GB's ideas as truth, you will be the enemy.


  • cultBgone

    DataDog - They may like you, but they do not love you. They don't really know what love is. They "love" you because your actions reinforce their delusions. You make them feel all warm and fuzzy. They feel safe and their doubts ( all JWs have them) and cognitive dissonance are lessened. As soon as you fail to serve that need and supply their emotional blanket by repeating the GB's ideas as truth, you will be the enemy.

    V ery well said.

  • sunny23

    Wait until you live on your own to fade and fade properly. There are plenty of suggestions for the best steps to take to fade and stay in touch with family with minimum ostracizing. Search the topics for it. Basically move away, transfer your publisher card, attend once a month at first, maybe attend your parents memorial and have dinner with them to stay on good terms, and stop going to your congregation, dont answer any knocks at the door ever and if they call then claim to be busy but downloading all the pubs from their newest obsession

    Hang in there and good luck! :)

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    DITTO! Why commit hari-kari? Play the game the best way - YOUR way!

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