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by BenRichards 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    It sounds as tho your mom is willing to not shun you. I expected it from extended family. To my shock and delight, they treated me the same. My epiphany started with a NT course. As I read the scriptures for the course, I noticed how wrong the WT was on so many subjects. The very text of the Bible differed from Witness teaching. I kept calling home from the library every fifteen minutes. My mom was interested. I did not want to be overheard. No one esle was calling home about Mark or John. My family had no clue. I so much wanted my aunt and gm to look for themselves. My aunt witnessed to me which was my cue to let her have it. Only I realized how deeply she was committed. It would cause her to have a breakdown. My gm I told many things.

  • PaintedToeNail

    Ben-Welcome and thanks for your story. Your mother probably wouldn't thank you for sharing your new-found info. Sometimes it's best to leave sleeping dogs alone. You seem to be balancing everything pretty well without revealing yourself.

  • Londo111

    Welcome, Ben.

  • the girl next door
    the girl next door

    You have done everything perfectly to this point. Don't stir the pot. It will go badly. I have tactfully pointed to Watchtower failings to some family members. I let them come to me now for more info. When they don't I let it go. Time is your best friend. Don't ruin a perfect and unscathed fade.

  • Gustv Cintrn
    Gustv Cintrn

    Welcome BenRichards!

  • Vidiot

    Welcome, BenRichards.

    Never stop Running, Man.

  • BenRichards

    Vidiot - Exactly :) You're the first to get it.

  • love2Bworldly

    Welcome & congrats that your wife is on your side. Be very careful though with your other family members. Wish you much luck

  • ruderedhead

    Welcome! Don't know if I missed it in the great advice you have already received, but have you looked at yet? That is another great resource.

    Whatever you do, go SLOWLY!

  • BizzyBee

    Just my humble opinion -

    One of the most generous and loving acts you could extend to your mother is to stifle your impulse to reveal your realization of TTATT. While it would be gratifying (for you) on several levels, unless you have reason to believe that she may benefit personally from the information, it would put your mother in a very difficult spot.

    It sounds as if you and your wife have a pretty successful fade going on. There are many who would love to have had it so easy. It might be wise to play that out indefinitely. Don't make your mom choose between you and the JWs. You might not like the outcome.

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