Just wanting to hear experiences.

by joe134cd 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • clarity
  • happy@last

    Welcome AlwaysBusy. I feel anger when I see anything JW related, especially pictures of happy drones.

  • AlwaysBusy

    Thank you, happy@last.

  • Fernando

    Personally I quite enjoy unearthing "the truth of the Good News" from their own publications, especially the Watchtower library ( online ).

    It is their meetings I see no reason to go to ever again. Nauseating mindless propaganda to subvert the liberating gospel, faith and spirituality.

  • steve2

    JW.org can feel a bit like seeing your ex walking down the street wearing a taunting smile. Very off-putting.

    Time helps ease the pain.

    So do hefy dollops of irreverence and humor.

    I find jw.org much more side-splittingly funny knowing it springs from one of the most laugh-out-loud crazy-minded books of all time. Talking snake religions are really not that bright and the people who believe those religions, not that much brighter either. Dull minds are attracted to stupid the way flies are attracted to stinky cheeses.

    If you don't laugh at the genocidal rage and thuggery of the Hebrew Scriptures and the relatively more sanitized blood-letting of the Christian Greek Scriptures, you run the risk of thinking stupidity is the preserve of JWs. It isn't. It springs eternally from a book seeping through and through with ignorant-minded, cardboarded stories for hearts desperate for delusion over reason.

    The notion that a "loving" God saves me by having his son spill blood is archaic and more than a little mad. In this world with far, far too much blood-letting, Christianity slips in its message of blood-letting and the dopey, sleepy masses yawn, stretch then exclaim - before returning to their deluded slumber - "Praise the Lord!" Give me a talking snake any day - it's far more entertaining.

  • joe134cd

    Yes Steve that what I could compare it to. Seeing the ex walking down the street. Even from afar would be enough to do it for me.

  • Perry

    The notion that a "loving" God saves me by having his son spill blood is archaic and more than a little mad.


    The wages of sin is death and eventual judgment. This is the answer that my college professors did not want to face as they taught me about "the problem of evil".

    I was a virtual atheist when I noticed the near obsession of my philosophy professor, in attacking Christian arguments. After leaving the JW's I assumed that most educated people wouldn't even waste their time with biblical arguments. I was VERY MUCH surprised to see Christian ideas attacked so feverently at university.

    From God's point of view, there is no "problem" of evil.

    The professor was forced to first explain Christian arguments in order to destroy them. Most of the Christian arguments I never knew about as a JW. This really piqued my interest. I found many of the Christian arguments sound and reasonable. I owe a great debt to my atheist professors and the atheists on this very discussion board for helping me to clearly see the competition as a choice, a not the necessary default view I once believed it to be.

  • designs

    Nothing says "Arcane' like believing in Adamic sin and a Judgement Day....

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