There is no YahWeh (Jehova(h))!

by DeWandelaar 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    Crazy how does the name YHWH appear on 9th century inscriptions?

  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    DeWanderlar... the line you staed about cursing Yahweh is a quote from the Book of Satan.

  • DeWandelaar

    Is it?! I never even read it. Besides... I believe just as much in Satan as YahWeh. Could have been the book of Sauron or the Valar for all I care :D

  • Phizzy
  • Crazyguy

    HowTheBibleWasCreated I'm not sure how yhwh is written in 9th century inscriptions, I'm assuming 9th century bce. Many of the inscriptions that they claim mean house of david or Israel or Yhwh are all partial inscriptions and don't necessarily mean what these scholars claim they mean. Imo

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Around the same time as I left the Witnesses, I became very agitated against the Witnesses. Rage filled me. I took a large magic marker and wrote for "J. to go f.....himself" on the walls of my room. If I am still alive, YHWH is a puny God. Only a puny God would destroy so much. Of course, YHWH is given the characteristics of society at the time. I can't imagine any society functioning with such a character. Oh, after I finished with my sayings on the wall, I opened my Andy Warhol soup can can and burned a New World Translation. I thought it was fire proof. It was not.

  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    Crazy I'm refering to the Mesha Stele it mentions YHWH. (It probably said House of DWD but as I have written bofore DWD means Beloved it is a title

  • Crazyguy

    Well that Stele i'm not sure it has all four letters yhwh or yhvh can't remember but like you mentioned the phrase that the scholars means house of david is just DWD, so maybe this means house of david or not. Also in Ebla they found names like those of the Israelites David was one if i'm not mistaken so how do we know if this inscription is mentioning the house of King David? Out side of this Stele and the bible no evidence has ever been found that proves david ever existed. Also on a stele in Egypt the symbol for Yahweh was only three letters yhw, so again not a lot to go on for a one god theory back before the babylonian captivity..


    We may not know the truth of the matter, but we know what ain't true......JWism.


  • Shanagirl

    YAHWEH, JEHOVAH ALLAH , EL ENKI MARDUK, SATAN, YALDABAOTH, all are the names of this brutal lower divinity creator god of an imperfect creation. This lower divinity or creator god is the reason there is so much chaos and evil in the world. This god misleads humankind by creating so many conflicting religions. Especially the religions that have sprung from the bible, and the bible false god Yawheh Jehovah. The brutal genocidal maniac who draws energy from death and destruction and war. This god is not the True God and the Father that Christ spoke of. Do not pray to Jehovah Yahweh. He wants you to believe he is the ONLY ONE and wants to be worshipped or else he will kill you. Sounds just like the god ISIS is forcing on everyone in their Sharia killing spree over in the Middle East.. So, yes there iso a Jehovah but no he is not the True God of the Universe.


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