I Offer You This Choice

by simon17 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • naazira

    I would choose #1. What good is it to know everything about everything, and not be able to share it with others? The knowledge that I would acquire would die with me. How will this knowledge help me? Yeah, it may give me peace of mind (or cause distress)- but then what? I choose to stay ignorant, and die when my number is called.

  • nugget

    I'm happy as I am. special knowledge you can't share isn't that special.

  • Batman89

    I choose #1

    i trust i will find enough answers to life on the journey

    I have to many other life goals, dreams, and ambitions to die in just one year

    the future of earth and mankind (while an interesting topic) doesnt concern me, you won't even be around long enough to see it all actually play out. So with that being I would rather try to live my life trying to "access" my full potential rather than the worlds history and future

  • greengirl8

    Well I would REALLY like to know what is going on. i.e. God/no god.

    If God I will certainly know how to spend the last year.

    If no god I will still know how to spend the last year.

    At 67, death does not seem that far away anyway.

  • greengirl8

    PS No need to welcome me as I have reincarnated twice on JWN. lol

  • Quarterback

    Sorry, Simon. I would just close my door on you and tell you, "I'm not interested".

  • Twitch

    I'll go with Category 1 Alex, for my life

    Would it not be maddening to know all and not be able to tell anyone?


  • rebel8

    I feel like there should be a fiddle solo in Georgia in that scenario.

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