Celebrating 100 years of Armageddon NOT coming

by Smiles 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Smiles

    Will they "celebrate" 120 yrs... 150 yrs... 200 yrs... ?

    When will it stop?

    The WT now has its organization actually celebrating
    all the many years of their failed expectations.

    Celebrating 100 years of Armageddon NOT coming...

    It's like celebrating 100 years NOT winning the lottery.

    How can millions of people get so excited about that??

  • im stuck in
    im stuck in

    When my wife came home after this past weeks meeting. I raised the same point to her. It was clear that she didnt even think about it, all she heard was how wonderful it is and that they are reviving the old drunks rhetoric LOL. My poor wife is so blind that facts do not even matter and that is how the whole group of JWs are.

    I tol;d her I couldnt beleive that they had the balls to use 100 years of preaching as a way to promote their damm website. They have all of the idiots happilly running around wasting gas and money passing out fliers advertising their website while the bastards sit back and laugh like hell.

    I bet there are many other corporations that wish they had so many devoted stupid people to advertise for free.

  • Smiles

    It took 100 years to lead them to a 'snake oil' website.

    What happens after the new website smell wears off?

    P.s. Website based publishing is less expensive than
    paper based publishing.

  • clarity

    Smiles thanks for posting this!

    You are so right...if you didn't laugh ...you'd cry!

    Cry, for the wasted devotion, opportunities and

    life itself.

    Mostly, that is the big motivation for exjw's to be

    activists against this evil cult! The more people

    warned away from this organization...the better.


  • EverApostate

    I think they will come up with a new light such as “Armageddon has started Invisibly”

  • Finkelstein

    In reality the WTS is celebrating 100 years of pulling the wool over people's eyes in their exploitation and commercial fraud

    in running a religious publishing house.

    Well when you want to sell literature you have to bullshit a little to circulate and proliferate that literature.

    Bullshitting is what the leaders of this organization did and are still doing today.

    The WTS. accomplished this fraud by exploiting the basic belief in the bible the general public had.

    Today there still is 8 million people mentally enslaved to this bogus religious organization and its assured that the leaders of the WTS. will try and keep it that way.


  • Smiles

    YW, Clarity.

    EverApostate, an invisible Armageddon... funny thing is that it is not a far-fetched possibility
    within the WT org when considering how they interpret the "invisible parousia" of 1914,
    the "invisible resurrection" of 1919, and the "invisible spiritual paradise" of today.

    Finkelstein, with the internet and JW.org, the WT is gradually phasing out of "publishing"....
    to become "virtual", which is a lot like "invisible"...

  • kaik

    I think the invisible Armageddon is possibility. Alternatively they can claim that it was postponed. I still believe that WT will put these lies for another 20 years and until 2034 so they can have enough time for the old generation of JW to die off and younger will be excited on the new light about imminent armageddon. My evil aunt dragged my parents into the cult in the 1970's, my father eventually stopped with study, but mom proceded, got baptised in 1970's. She is still in at the end of her life expectancy, and so is my sibling. Generation that should never die, is dead. My aunt is dead, but she produced bunch of children who are a vital JWs and make singificant membership in local KH. WT can play the end-game scenario for many many years ahead.

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    Reminds me of the spin they put on 1914... The year that Armageddon was supposed to happen... Most Bible Students were disappointed, pissed or disillusioned... But the Watchtower Corporation now says that, while "some" were looking for a heavenly reward, most Bible Students were happy that the "Gentile Times " had ended... And they can do this (blatantly lie about their history) because Pro 3:18 allows them to...

  • Calebs Airplane

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