Hello, semi long intro!

by Moses Joe 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stirred

    Hi MJ - I enjoyed reading your intro. I gather you have family still in? The longer I've been here and studying, I find it harder to keep myself from reacting or saying something at hall or with friends. Be careful for now. Restraint where it matters and find healthy ways to vent and care for yourself.

  • Listener

    Welcome Moses Joe, I enjoyed your post and sharing with us what you have been learning.

  • stuckinarut2


    Great comments you have made!

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Moses Joe , Hello. It is always nice to meet thinking people. Welcome.


  • clarity

    Well hi Moses Joe, welcome to this site.

    Not too long or boring at all. Thanks for

    introducing yourself, we look forward to

    many more comments. You are in good

    company, many jw's are leaving & many are

    showing up here. Two more newbies,

    DwaineBowman & Stirred, are here with you...

    congratulations to all of you for your desire

    to uncover the lies! Best wishes to you!


  • Paris

    with all the right tools and I found that yes, there is no hell, no soul, the earth will abide forever, all creation reconciled to perfection, a small group going to heaven and a much larger group on earth, it is indeed fact that the bible doesn't support the trinity doctrine

    Moses , you are on the right track, but prepared to challenge even these deeply held beliefs I qouted above from your post. Please find yourself a copy of Crisis of Conscience by Raymond Franz, who sat on the governing body, download it in PDF format for free or buy it in paperback , but read it, to free your mind from the False Prophet of the Watchtower and seven men who tell you they are the sole channel of communication with God and in doing so they make themselves the Man of Lawlessness standing in the Holy Place since only Jesus Christ is the mediator between you and Jehovah, no men needed. No organization mentioned in the Bible and no "classes" mentioned either.

  • SAHS

    “Moses Joe”: “When this was accomplished I started doing my own study of the Bible . . . and I found that yes, . . .the earth will abide forever,all creation reconciled to perfection, . . .”

    First of all, welcome to this site! I can tell that you have a good analytical mind. You should fit in here quite well. You have obviously been able to cut through the BS of man’s contrived and imposed Biblical interpretation.

    Your post was quite well put together and logical. I have often thought about those two terms, “forever” and “perfection,” in a purely scientific context.

    I don’t think that there is anything that can remain as such “forever” due to the dynamic nature of the universe, from radioactive decay to the cosmological constant of space-time expansion to the stellar cycles involving stars. Thus, in terms of the earth, I don’t think that it will exactly remain in the same shape after our sun becomes a red giant and actually swallows it up. (Not that’s some pretty serious global warming!)

    Also, I have always wondered about the idea of “perfection” and how that could be scientifically possible. I have always wondered about billions of people – biological creatures – living day to day for supposedly billions of years without making any “mistake” as such, without snapping at someone in anger or falling and breaking a bone, etc. Looking at it from a purely mathematical, statistical, physiological, anthropological angle, I just could never get my head around the WT’s idea of living for an eternity in absolute perfection. Even since I was a kid, I always thought that in the end there at least had to be some kind of significant twist to all of that. (Like some psychological thriller with a surprising and perplexing ending.)

    I definitely don’t mean to nitpick at all or in any way detract from your post, which I certainly enjoyed. On the contrary, I just love to entertain such philosophical ideas in a scientific manner, and I can tell that you do as well. You’re on the right track. Keep questioning the status quo of any form of religiosity, and seek an objective perspective which allows one to view the entire forest as a whole from outside the constraining box of those who just want to follow instead of think.

    Take care. Looking forward to your input.

  • LisaRose

    Welcome, your post was very well put. You have progressed far into freeing your mind. Blanket of lies indeed.


  • tootired2care

    Welcome to the forum! You're correct all they care about is numbers not people, or even the havoc that their false expectations have wrought in peoples lives. They want to snuff out all free thought and have absolute power. Hopefully more like you will realize this, and not stand for their mind f***ing drivel any longer.

  • ruderedhead


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