Born In JWs: Were You Abused According to the CDC?

by ABibleStudent 21 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • ABibleStudent

    Child Abuse in the USA

    Child abuse is the physical, sexual or emotional maltreatment or neglect of a child or children. In the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Department for Children and Families (DCF) define child maltreatment as any act or series of acts of commission or omission by a parent or other caregiver that results in harm, potential for harm, or threat of harm to a child. Child abuse can occur in a child's home, or in the organizations, schools or communities the child interacts with. There are four major categories of child abuse: neglect, physical abuse, psychological or emotional abuse, and sexual abuse.

    If you were a born in, do you feel that you were abused according to the Wikipedia article on child abuse? In 2009 the CDC first published a report to document the prevalence of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) in a population-based representative sample from 5 US states categorized by demographic characteristics, including sex, age, education, and race/ethnicity - affiliation with high-control groups like the WTBTS was not part of the study.

    It has been 5 years since that CDC study. I wonder if writing to the CDC about mind manipulation by those who experienced it first hand would inspire the CDC to do more research.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • cantleave


  • NotNew

    Yes...without laying the blame solely on my parents!


  • Fernando

    Spiritually and Psychologically - yes definitely.

    More professional research can build the case, and uncover solutions.

  • stuckinarut2


    As an adult, I now realise that the way I was raised, was indeed a form of child abuse.

    My parents were great parents...they were loving and looked after me very well, but there was never an option to not be a witness.

    There was no choice in any decision!

    That is unhealthy!

  • im stuck in
    im stuck in

    Yes the way I was raised as a JW was definately a form of abuse. The mental stress put on young ones is extreme. I still suffer got married and the constant guilt to not have children has left me and my wife damaged goods (although she can not see it) and now old and no children to relate to. Im sad as well as stuck in.

  • stuckinarut2

    I relate to you very well 'Im stuck in'

    Same situation as kids....etc....

  • NewYork44M

    I was born in to the jw faith. I was never sexually abused. I was never neglected. I was taught very scary things that impacted my life. The JW religion is a fuc?*ng cult that had a significant negative impact on me being able to reach my potential.

    But based upon the framework of the CDC I cannot say that my life meets the standards of abuse.

  • Hortensia

    It's complicated. I was definitely harmed in my childhood, by a violent non-JW alcoholic father. Very dangerous situation. The JWs contributed by telling my mother she couldn't leave him, couldn't divorce him to protect her children. My mother contributed by failing to protect us and by believing that asshole religion and abdicating responsibility. Add to that the mental/emotional abuse of a cultish religion, the constant fear of destruction by an angry god, etc.

    Well, it's amazing that I'm at all sane.

  • millie210

    I dont feel abused.

    Not when I look at the majority of children all down through history and those alive today in most countries.

    I had a "weird" upbringing but being different than other children taught me some critical thinking skills I believe.

    Those same critical thinking skills are what are helping me to now exit myself from the JWs.

    They should have never honed my sense of justice so finely perhaps?

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