Have you ever been called for Jury Duty? before or after registering to vote?

by EndofMysteries 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • EndofMysteries

    I've never been called for jury duty and I'm not yet registered to vote, although I'm hoping to get that done this month.

    I know someone who within a few months of registering to vote was called for jury duty. I've read some articles that said voter records 'used' to be used to call on people but that was a thing of the past. Since I've never been called, I'm curious how many of you have been called for jury duty since most of us hadn't been registered to vote until after leaving the borg, and many may still not be.

    If I do get called after I register I'll update this post too.


    It is my understanding that driver's license numbers are also used in picking people for jury service. I have lived at my present address, for eight years while registered to vote, and have only gotten one jury notice. It was for a Federal Court, not a local county courthouse. The Federal Court is about 100 miles from where I live, so I was excused.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    Where I live they pick you after you register to vote, which is compulsory when you turn 18. I I was called twice for jury duty when I was a jw.

  • designs

    I was called to jury duty before I registered to vote. Just got my renewal form to vote. All done online now.

  • scary21

    I was called about a year after I registered to vote. That was the first time ever. I was 58 years old. I have been driving since I was 16.

    They asked if I had any reason to distrust the police. BINGO ......I have witnessed police curruption on more then one occasion. Dismissed .

    The case was about a young man who supposedly attacked a officer in a bar. Funny thing was he was about 5ft 6 in and about 120 pounds.

    I kind of felt sorry for him.......bet he was drunk and did a stupid thing .

  • blondie

    I was called to jury duty, had never voted. They have been using drivers records for many years because not enough diversity in voters. They even use people who have only applied for ID cards.

    All you have to do is Google the process in your area or call the court system/jury process to confirm how they do it.

    Many non-jws don't see it as a privilege to serve on jury duty but they want a jury.

    It is a personal choice as to whether you serve or not per the WTS. Don't listen to any elders personal statements, see it in writing.

  • LisaRose

    The only time I got called was when I was a JW and had not registered to vote, they used dmv records then. I have been voting for ten years now but have never been called, meanwhile my husband has been called twice.

  • NeonMadman

    I was called in Massachusetts a few times, and I never registered to vote in that state. I lived in CT for a couple of years and registered there, but was never called to jury duty until after I moved out of the state. Here in NJ, I get a grand jury summons every year or two (which requires a day a week for 5-6 months) but have always gotten excused because I am a commissioned salesman and my income would be severely impacted by giving up that many days. If it was "one day or one trial," like in Mass., I would go, but a day a week for several months would really be a hardship.

  • OneEyedJoe

    My sister had to do jury duty and (like any good JW) had never registered to vote.

  • Magnum

    Was just called this month for the first time. Never registered to vote.

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