Accused Rapist, Angela Montgomery, a JW, goes to trial Sept. 2-5, 2014 in Tennessee

by AndersonsInfo 25 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • cultBgone

    Horrible for those kids but so glad the older son kept speaking up. Hope this gets picked up by the national news, maybe it will help others to share their own stories.


    I can't believe no one noticed "Rutherford County"?!?!?! LOL!!!


  • Steve_C

    How devasting for a child to have those he trusts the most--parents and authorities--fail, as well as actively hurt them. I'm crying inside for these victims, especially given the fact that the older son repeatedly informed DCS in the past.

    State Rep. Sherry Jones wants DCS to answer why this took so long.

    "It's something that should have been addressed 10 years ago," Jones said. "There is no reason for a child to be hurt and left in that same place and be hurt again and again and again."

    I hope justice is finally served so that this monster cannot hurt others, and especially so that the victims can get the help they need to have a happy, normal life.

  • awakenyr2004

    I'm speechless too.

  • smiddy

    Channel 4 News has chosen not to use Alan's full name to protect his younger siblings.......??????

    Yet he is interveiwd onscreen for all to see ?????... WTF ?

    I`m confused .!

    But apart from that , I hope her involvement with the witnesses is not played down


  • Phizzy

    All the while jehovah and jesus looked down from Heaven, and did nothing. Holy Spirit was asleep too.

    This really is the most shocking case I have heard of so far, primarily because of what seems to be an incredible deriliction of duty by the DCS.

  • Zoos

    DCS spokesperson Rob Johnson said his department cannot comment.

    I'd be hesitant to open my mouth too. Not much he can say at this point.

  • AndersonsInfo

    DCS is in trouble in the state of Tennessee apart from the Montgomery situation. It was reported that 105 children died in 2012 that had some type of prior contact with DCS - either the child was in state custody or had been reported to the agency as a victim of abuse or neglect. In 2013, the agency made some reforms after a new commissioner was appointed.

    The following is a special report about DCS:

    About DCS Special Report

    Since September, an ongoing series by The Tennessean has uncovered numerous problems at the Tennessee Department of Children's Services, the state agency charged with investigating allegations of abuse and neglect, operating the state's foster care system and rehabilitating the state's juvenile offenders.

    The department has been under federal court pressure for a decade to improve its care of children, but improvements slowed in the past two years, and child advocates say problems uncovered by The Tennessean may be endangering the department's ability to serve the state’s most vulnerable children.

    They include missed calls at a child abuse hotline, a spike in violence in youth detention facilities, high turnover among senior DCS leaders and a $27 million computer system that DCS workers struggle to use to document their investigations and that led to missed payments to foster care families and agencies, and a failure to accurately report on the children in its care.

    DCS also struggled to provide accurate information on the number of children who died, or nearly died, after having some contact with the agency. The agency revised those numbers upwards at least five times since September.

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    How do you know she was a JW? Nothing in those articles mentions it.

  • AndersonsInfo

    Along with her husband, Angela Montgomery became interested in JWs in 1991 in Smyrna, TN, located near Murfreesboro (a town outside of Nashville). They were baptised that year or early 1992 and attended the Smyrna, TN congregation. She was divorced from her husband in 1997. He disassociated himself from the JWs in 1996 after researching their history. Montgomery lived in Murfreesboro, TN from 1997-2002 and was an active Witness there. She moved back to Raleigh, NC where she was from originally. Later, an elder from the Smyrna congregation who she was still in touch with recommended that she move to Oregon. She attended the same Kingdom Hall as Whitney Heichel, the young JW that was murdered last year. The elders in Oregon were contacted by Tennessee law officials about Montgomery and they acknowledged that she is a JW. In addition, Angela married a JW in Oregon about three years ago, hence the name, Montgomery.

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