"We can't even talk with you anymore! You react very abruptly"

by stuckinarut2 21 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "We can't even talk with you anymore! You react very abruptly"

    Okay, were they talking to you at the time or did they write this in a letter. Because if they were talking to you when they said they can't talk to you, that just makes no sense.

    I assume that what they mean to say is, "We can't lecture you anymore because you've become too intelligent to listen silently like a brain-dead JW zombie."

  • steve2

    Others here have advised being very careful - kind of softer, gentler versions of what the elders want you to do, ironically! I assume you are adult enough to know the consequences could be tough - so I won't join in cautioning you.

    There could be a grain of truth in the elder's feedback on your interpersonal manner. Whilst you might call it "frustration" he may perceive you as having an abrupt manner. All feedback can be useful - it doesn't mean you're wrong or worthy of being kicked out. It is highly likely that your very good questions take the elders out of their comfort zones and bring up their own human sense of inadequacy and fear - but who knows unless they're insightful and open up to you, human-to-human - and that's unlikely.

    Other than that, as Bette Davis said in All About Eve, "Fasten your seat belts - this is going to be a bumpy evening".

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