Because The Governing Body Is In Denial They Can Not Comprehend The Suffering They Impose Upon Jehovah's Witnesses With Their No Blood And Disfellowshiping Policies

by frankiespeakin 26 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    Hmm, a matter of definition........what could be more cognitive dissonant than believing in something you know is not true?

    In case it's not dissanance they have to "suffer" from some kind of dissociative disorder or multi personality disorder.

    So, OK...maybe their "cult personae" are believers , but their natural or true personae realizethat it's wrong. Maybe then cognitive dissonance is somewhat related to dissociative syndroms...e g the different personae cult researchers like Steven Hassan is talking obout!

    One religion psychologist professor here in Sweden (Owe Wikström) uses the expresion "two floor people" about the cognitive dissonant. At he top floor/upper level they are rational and well funktioning, but in the bottom floor/basement you have a lot of irrational thoughts and fears that cripples them.

    In some weay this is related to the splitting in different personae (Hassan) , which I see as some kind of dissociative disorder.

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    The JW organisation is an exact reflection of it's leadership, which has always been a few old men who have never (or only rarely) had children, and who have never lived a normal family life.

    The Governing Body is hopelessly homogenous. It's always comprised a bunch of ageing, childless, probably chauvanistic men. When your religious leadership is not a proper reflection of normal human community and society, things go askew. Therefore the JW religion has anti- children and anti-family doctrines and attitudes. It's always had a certain callous, uncaring, shallow level of love and concern for children and families.

    So is it any surprise the religion has hurt and is still hurting so many children and families, and has no broader humanitarian community charitable work whatsoever to help the needy and suffering? Same with the Catholics and their evil paedophilia problem. The Pope and clergy and priests have always been childless, non-married men.

    If all the GB in the organisation were normal family guys who all had young children, you can guarantee the blood transfusion, 'two-witness' paedophilia policy, shunning family, banning birthdays and Christmas, etc, would never have been accepted. Because they would have everything to personally lose.

    All the JW's heartless, cruel anti-child and anti-family policies and creeds have been produced by single (F Franz foremost) and/or childless men living in a religious ivory tower. They were voted into policy by single and/or childless men who never experienced the powerful, life-changing event of becoming a parent, never experienced the tremendous love between a parent and child, which is the deepest love of all. They had nothing personally at stake to lose by adopting these policies and binding them on others.

  • frankiespeakin

    I think they compartmentalize the suffering of their members by thinking that they are not giving them their own advice but merely what they understand the bible to teach and so compartmentize the suffering as not of their doing since they are merely the lord's publicity agents telling people what they need to do to make Jehovah happy, if any of their member suffer from this they are not to blame, the bible is, and so is Jehovah, and besides Jehovah is able to undo all suffering that loyal ones go through and thus wisk it away with the hope they have in the future for their loyalty. This is how they can live with themselves and keep on making cruel policies that make their members suffer all kinds of harm both physically and mentally.

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    Yep, Frankie, now we are speaking! They know very well.......but people suffering is not important, it's just irrelevant compared to being loyal to the God ther belive they are spokesmen for.

    I m thinking about that WT study article about Aron that weren't allowed mourning his sons when they were killed....that must be compartmentalisation,I believe. Arons real feelings were unimportant compared to the punishment.

    Just think about JW expecting Armageddon with joy......99,9% of the earths population will be killed and they look forward to this.

  • tim hooper
    tim hooper

    They've painted themselves into a corner. Originally, in the early 50's, when the blood and disfellowshipping thing were both introduced, none of it seemed such a big deal. There was initially even some martyrdom value re the blood. The DF'ing thing was only used infrequently and then for only really really bad stuff. Saying you were sorry normally got you off with a years probation, after the year was up the slate was wiped clean.

    However, as time went on and people began to complain to the media, particularly after the great softening of 1974 was reversed - this is before the advent of the net - the WT chose to make their position even more entrenched. As internet websites became more and more critical of WT policies, so the WT had to affirm it's position more and more. It's actually bitten them in the arse. Once keen dubbies, those with some intelligence anyway, have watched WT harshness grow and grow and simply left the organisation. Those that remain are the wishy-washy types, followers, devoid of charisma or personality, who are unable to liven up a meeting or impress a householder. So the WT's own policies have actually severely weakened them, not just in numbers but also in the increase of apathy amongst the R & F.

  • designs

    Was the DF statement coming in the Nov. Wt. Study given as a talk at the District Conventions this summer.

  • Vidiot

    tim hooper - " time went on and people began to complain to the media, particularly after the great softening of 1974 was reversed - this is before the advent of the net - the WT chose to make their position even more entrenched. As internet websites became more and more critical of WT policies, so the WT had to affirm it's position more and more."


    Authoritarian leaders would rather gargle with broken glass than risk being seen capitulating to their critics and opponents; if one were positioned just right, one could almost manipulate their behavior based on that knowledge.

    The more the XJW community criticizes the WTS for its harmful policies on shunning, child abuse, blood, and unquestioning fealty to the GB, the more staunch they'll get, the tighter they'll squeeze, and the more fence-sitters will feel compelled to leave.

    They may convince themselves that they're better off with just the hard-core loyalists they'll be left with, but the inevitable actions and attitude of those loyalists and their leadership can only feed off and mirror each other, steering the Org deeper and deeper into extremism.

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    They know exactly what they are doing. CONTROL.

  • Doubting Bro
    Doubting Bro

    They know, they just don't care

  • Giordano

    Eric Hoffer:

    An active mass movement rejects the present and centers it's interest on the future. It is from this attitude that it derives it's strength, for it can proceed recklessly with the present- with the health, wealth and lives of it's followers. But it must act as if it has already read the book of the future to the last word. Its doctrine is proclaimed as a key to that book.

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